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3 Sales Tips to Get your Reps Reach for the Numbers. QuotaFactory recently published an article about the best ways to improve the performance of sales reps, which is something many B2B companies currently underscore. Applying the proper sales techniques determines the success not only of individual callers, but the whole company as well. And we’re sure that these techniques can provide a good starting point for the two parties to reach those numbers before the year ends. Tip #1: Plan and Share a Vision with your Sales Reps.

This may be one of the single most motivating factors for sales reps, especially those new to the field. Many reps do not realize how many times they need to hear “no” before they hear a “yes” and that can be defeating, leading them to lose faith in themselves and their abilities. If people can envision themselves as successful, and have a written plan to do so, then likelihood of success is heightened greatly. Tip #2: Your Sales Meetings are not Effective. Tip #3: Share Best Practices. 3 Ways to Increase Business Productivity and Management In ASIA Pacific. As marketers, we are hard pressed to find the best approaches in acquiringquality B2B sales leads. It’s not always an easy task as it demands a lot in terms of productivity. Unless you want to settle for a mediocre B2B lead generation campaign, increasing your productivity is essential for producing leads with better chances of converting. Digital Marketing Manager Adam Cassar has the right productivity “lifehacks” just for you: Page speed checker Need to make your site go faster? Once you’ve installed the plug-in, go to any page on your site and hit F12. Google analytics shortcuts Compared to any other analytics platform I’ve ever used, GA (Google Analytics) tops the list in terms of usability. Instead of spending lots of time switching between tabs in GA to get to the reports you need, use the shortcuts menu. Remember the Milk I have a memory like a goldfish, and yet I have many, many things to keep track of. Top Reasons why Singapore Businesses should invest in Lead Generation Campaigns. The Digital Age Ever since early 2014, smartphone purchases in Singapore have experienced a spike to 35%. According to the DigitasLBi’s Global Survey conducted in April 2014, social media heavily influences purchases and 80% of such consumers are from Singapore.

This phenomenon is now witnessed globally, where 9 out of 10 people in 11 of 12 countries are using the internet to improve their shopping experience. As such, Business Lead Generation strategies are starting to take precedence over traditional marketing techniques in this 21st century. As activities are gradually migrated to the internet, business lead generation helps to capture a buyer’s interest to a specific service or product by tracking their behaviour online, such as the social media sites visited. The data collected can be used to establish an appropriate sales pipeline.

Accurate Customer Profiling This can help in adopting effective marketing techniques and enticing product ranges that excite the customers’ palettes. Quick Fix for Lead Generation Content that isn’t Getting Found. In a typical content marketing lifespan, you cannot avoid getting into a phase when you start wondering why your pieces of great content – those which are with quality and viral potential – are not stumbled upon by your target market. It’s a frustrating time, especially when you’ve become really proud of your content outputs yet they don’t really help in generating leads for your team.

Apparently, there’s a whole lot of difference between creating good content and promoting it, and the latter is what ultimately decides the “searchability” of your posts. There are things you could do to effectively promote your content, as proposed by Sonia Simone, co-founder and Chief Content Officer of CopyBlogger Media. From #1: Build your network Today, tomorrow, next week, and next year, you need to be building your network of web publishers. Those are the bloggers, web journalists, social media power users, and others who have the audience you’re looking for. #2: Make it shareable. Make Your Lead Generation Efforts Work This Year of the Monkey.

In ancient times, major decisions in commerce were always made with the advice of seers, oracles, and horoscopes. Possibly, because of the world economic situation in the past decade, this practice has gained even more popularity. It is a tendency that comes from wanting to make sure that business will be conducted successfully. The number of businessmen who are interested in getting business horoscopes grows daily. Philosophical Basis of Horoscopes in Business The application of astrology and horoscopes to business is based on the belief that planets are the source of clear and well-balanced instructions based on the laws of nature laws, which determine what people are, how they live and move.

Studying the influence of planets is the key to knowing what a person and his dealings on earth will be worth; and what he can do to prepare for life’s occurrences. Applying Horoscopes to Business Both Chinese and Hindu horoscopes devote much attention to business. Use Your Smarts to Analyze Data. Want to Boost Sales? Answer These Leading Questions for Lead Management. The main question a B2B marketer encounters is, “Is my lead generation good enough?” In the industry, and anywhere else in life, we just couldn’t evade pressing questions. Qualified B2B leads are no doubt difficult to attain, urging market strategists to think along the lines of online content.

For many experts, however, relying on content isn’t enough. While it communicates your brand to your target market, it doesn’t necessarily help in the process of “warming up” leads for the sales pipeline. There is a need to consider a few extra things in your lead management to improve your qualification efforts. Indeed, businesses always opt for cost-efficient lead generation strategies that provide a good ROI and consistent with their main objectives.

“Do you have a lead scoring system?” “Do you have specific audience profile?” “Do you follow up on leads?” “Do you have anything else in store?” There is still a lot to consider in lead generation. #Sales lead Management. B2B Lead Engagement: How to get more Website Response. Most of the time, when B2B leads are in the market for purchasing products or acquiring services for their company, they would search for it on Google and end up visiting several websites in the process. If those prospects end up on your website, how confident are you that you have enough content, visual presentation, strategic lead capturing elements and site speed to keep them from moving on to the next? Your website’s overall impact should encourage lead engagement so visitors won’t end up in the trash bin. But how exactly does one make a business website more engaging? According to Howard Yeh, co-founder of, a software-as-a-service platform providing advanced contact forms, live chat, lead capture and lead management solutions for businesses, you need to “get a potential customer excited about starting a sales dialogue with you”, and then “translate that excitement into action”.

Here are some of his tips on how to optimize your website for lead engagement: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Underperforming Lead Generation? Here are the Suspects. Ensuring consistent gains in your B2B lead generation also means identifying certain scenarios that raise a red flag on your marketing efforts. For Louis Foong, CEO of the ALTEA Group Incorporated, the main reasons for a failing lead generation strategy are as follows: WEAK DEMAND GENERATION STRATEGY: If your demand generation strategy is on a shaky foundation, you have a host of problems on hand. Common issues include not following a regular list hygiene process, missing solid account mapping and lead scoring metrics, not being in touch with the dynamics of your market and not fully comprehending the issues your customers find most challenging. What can you do to ensure your strategy is well-defined and strategically aligned to deliver on your lead generation goals?

YOU HAVE NOT MAPPED THE B2B BUYING PROCESS: B2B procurement is not a simple process. TOO MANY WALLS: Marketing is tossing ‘qualified’ leads over the wall to Sales. TOO MUCH CONTENT: Is there such a thing?