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Mobile App Development

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Top 10 Performance Techniques for PhoneGap Applications. Visual IDE in the Cloud - App development for Mobile and Desktop with Application Craft. To sign in to your account, you need to go to your custom sub-domain, where you will be prompted to enter your username and password. Choose from the list below, or enter your subdomain in the field provided. Publishing iOS Apps without the App Store. Download example Introduction iOS is the operating system used on some of the most popular Apple products today: the iPhone, the iPod Touch, and the iPad.

Developing for each can be a huge pain. Native applications require Objective C knowledge, a machine with Mac OS, and a $99/year fee to publish in the App Store. Sure, you can use a third-party framework to skip the use of Objective C, and the Mac OS requirement. That's where HTML5 comes in. The current devices running iOS with Safari support the ability to install webpages as applications, giving developers the option to create apps very similar to those that are native. Starts with the Cache We'll start with how Safari knows how to store apps. Since the major draft of HTML5, a cache is the feature that allows offline use of these pseudo "applications". 1) In the header of the webpage you wish to install, you'll add the attribute "manifest" to the html element, like so: AddType text/cache-manifest .manifest Writing the Application Example. 6 Tools to Build a Mobile App on the Cheap.

Do we need touch events? Page last changed today One reaction I received about my touch research was: Do we really need the touch events? Can’t we just fire the mouse events when a touch action occurs? After all, touch and mouse events aren’t that different. That’s a fair question. Right now, iPhone and Android support the touchstart, touchmove, and touchend events. The point here is that this series of events isn’t that different from the mouse events. So if mousedown is really the same as touchstart, why bother with new events? As far as I can see there are three fundamental issues involved: Touch interaction is different from mouse interaction. Let’s study these issues a bit further. Although at first sight it seems as it touchstart is equal to mousedown, touchmove to mousemove, and touchend to mouseup, this is not really the case. Take a look at my second scrolling layer script.

I added the mousedown event to touchdown, mousemove to touchmove, and mouseup to touchup. For more fun, try using it with a touchpad.

Flash based Mobile App Development

Mobile App Development HTML/CSS based. Mobile App Security Trends and Recommendations.