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Energy Zappers. In today's 24/7 world, where time and energy have literally become precious commodities, the last thing high octane women need are things that reduce both.

Energy Zappers

But a lot of the habits we've developed, some of which we do under the guise of "saving time," actually end up draining our energy and wasting our time. What are these terrible thieves that steal our limited resources? Some of them may actually surprise you. 1) - No doubt, the way we dress can have a powerful impact on how we're viewed by others, and even the way we view ourselves. But at a time when the hottest fashions include pencil skirts, jeggings, and "skinny" jeans, it might be worth considering whether being a fashionista is worth the fatigue.

What Lucky People Do Differently than Unlucky People. Keep Score With Yourself To Achieve Your Personal Goals. Getting Things Done. Getting Things Done, in het algemeen afgekort tot GTD, is een actiegebaseerde managementmethode, en de titel van een boek door David Allen.

Getting Things Done

GTD is gebaseerd op het principe dat een persoon door zijn taken vast te leggen zich over die taken geen zorgen hoeft te maken. Het moeten herinneren van alle taken maakt plaats voor het daadwerkelijk uitvoeren van de taken. Nirvana › GTD Software for Getting Things Done, Web 2.0 Style. How To Better Organize Piles of Paperwork.