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Installing SQLExpress and Db restore using InnoSetup - setup. Is anybody using InnoSetup for installing and deploying a MSSQL Express database? I used SQLDMO but would like to update this. Additionally we have sometimes issues with win7. Has anybody a working script for installing all prerequisites, detecting an existing server, attching/restoring a database and is willing to share?

Below is part of my script, maybe someone can make use of it. brgds Bernd [CODE] ... procedure CreateDatabase; var SQLServerName: string; DBName: string; UserName, Password: string; SQLServer, DB: variant; sSql,s: string; begin ProgressPage.SetText('Anbinden der Datenbank', 'Verbinden zum Server ...'); ProgressPage.SetProgress(0, 0); ProgressPage.Show; try ProgressPage.SetProgress(1, 10); // Daten holen SQLServerName := GetData('Server'); DBName := GetData('DB'); Username := GetData('User'); Password := GetData('Password'); { Create the main SQLDMO COM Automation object } ProgressPage.SetProgress(3, 10); ProgressPage.SetProgress(6, 10);

Inno Setup For .NET Application - Home. Re: using inno to install sql server express. How to add a DB to MSSQL-Express. Modulare InnoSetup Installer Dipendenza. Download installer - 215.96 KB Introduction This article contains a modular InnoSetup install script that downloads (if setup files don't exist already) and installs various dependencies like .NET Framework 1.1/2.0/3.5/4.0 and others on 32-bit or 64-bit Windows.

Background Once upon a time, I needed an installer for my .NET applications. I knew that I could use the "genius" ClickOnce installer, but in my opinion it has a bad interface and is not very handy. Details The source code is written modular. Setup.iss - contains the basic setup where you include the modules (products) you need. Mostly you may have to tweak the setup.iss because of different Windows version / service pack version check depending on the version of .NET Framework you need. If a dependency (product) is not installed, the script checks if the product's setup exists inside the dependencies directory which is configurable in products.iss.

Applications used for the script are: Known Problems Points of Interest History. [Articolo] [Inno Setup]Guida Base - Installer. Inno setup - how to detect dotnet 2 or newer is installed in machine. [RESOLVED] How to deploy .net framework 2.0 using INNO setup-VBForums.