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Code Style

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Translations/de_DE at master · rwaldron/idiomatic.js. Dojo Style Guide. Contents: This document follows the basic outline of the Java Programming Conventions Guide, a copy of which may be found at Widget authors are expected to adhere to this style guide and also to the Dojo Accessibility Design Requirements guidelines.

Dojo Style Guide

General. Google JavaScript Style Guide. We follow the C++ formatting rules in spirit, with the following additional clarifications.

Google JavaScript Style Guide

Curly Braces Because of implicit semicolon insertion, always start your curly braces on the same line as whatever they're opening. For example: if (something) { // ... } else { // ... } JavaScript Style Guide. Use JSHint to detect errors and potential problems.

JavaScript Style Guide

Every jQuery project has a Grunt task for linting all JavaScript files: grunt jshint. The options for JSHint are stored in a .jshintrc file; many repositories will have multiple .jshintrc files based on the type of code in each directory. Each .jshintrc file follows a specific format. All options must be alphabetized and grouped: JavaScript Style Guide.