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Scientists Aim To Sync Up Proliferating Brain Maps. Study Finds Nearly All Scientific Papers Controlled By Six Corporations. When children grow up dreaming of becoming scientists they have the purest of aspirations and if they were left to pursue their own studies they would be able to accomplish the unimaginable.

Study Finds Nearly All Scientific Papers Controlled By Six Corporations

Unfortunately, to become a member of the scientific community one has to jump through many bureaucratic hoops until they are eventually inducted into an establishment which is tightly regulated and directed by warmongers and control freak aristocrats. People spend half of their lives taking classes, passing tests and filling out applications in hopes that one day they can become a scientist and cure a disease. After years of struggling to make the cut they realize that there is no funding for their charitable projects and if they dare step outside of the established guidelines they will be exiled from the scientific community.

“Overall, the major publishers control more than half of the market of scientific papers both in the natural and medical sciences and in the social sciences and humanities.

Evolution oder Degeneration?

Chemie, Physik. Psychologie, Glaube, Parapsychologie. Die vergessene Entsprechungswissenschaft. Aufklärung - und der entscheidende nächste Schritt. Transhumanismus - Cyborgs. Wissenschaft programmiert Pflanzen, Tiere, Wetter. Chaos durch Naturzerstörung und Hungersnöte. The Future of Human Intelligence.