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Hemp pendant lamps. Inspired by West Elm’s gorgeous Abaca pendant lamps Super talented Heika DeHart strikes again.

Hemp pendant lamps

These pendant lamps she made of hemp string are genius. Plus, don’t you love how they look with her wallpaper? Heika writes: “I fell in love with West Elm’s Abaca pendent lamp a few years ago but, as usual, my taste was more expensive than my wallet could support. However, I was sure that I could copy them at a fraction of the cost.” How to make hemp string pendant lamps Supplies and tools bouncy balls of various sizesclear drying craft glue (about 1 bottle per ball) such as Aleene’s Clear Gel Tacky Gluehemp string 20lb. weight estimated amounts needed: 16 inch diameter ball—400 yards 14 inch diameter ball—300 yards 9 inch diameter ball—100 yardsplastic gloves (optional)trash bag or small drop clothpermanent markerball inflating needle (available at sporting goods stores or bike shops)light fixture and hardware (Lowe’s doesn’t carry the fixture that Heika used anymore. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

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Lepellamp. Lichtblik. Schelpenlampjes. Pingponglamp. Kanlamp. Bekertjeslamp. Tea Light Lamps (an Easy Last-Second Gift) With a paper band, mark and measure the upper and lower diameters, and the height of the glass.

Tea Light Lamps (an Easy Last-Second Gift)

Add 5mm to each length. In your favorite drawing software (e.g. OpenOffice Draw), create a trapeze of measured sizes to mark the borders, and import a picture of your choice. Size it to fit into the trapeze. Personally, since I only had tracing paper on hand, and after some trials, I choose some black/white Japaneses patterns: tracing paper prints best with a laser printer (with inkjet, it will form a roll when still wet). Upcycled Mason Jar Lights from Boots N Gus. Wow.

Upcycled Mason Jar Lights from Boots N Gus

I was just blown away when I came across Boots N Gus! I mean, how completely awesome are their collection of upcycled mason jar lights and chandeliers? Wait, don’t answer that – scroll down and have a peek first… …so, what did you think? I love the inventive designs and decadent chandeliers – combining something as mundane as an old jar with design style that takes it up a whole skyscraper of cool. Of course, my eternal problem reigns supreme – just which one would I choose? Oh, and make sure to check out the rest of Jeff and Marks’ creations – they use vintage cookware in their light-making adventures, too. DIY Photo Lamps: Awesome Lit Up Buildings of Choice. It’s been a while since I’ve seen such a great, yet simple project — DIY photo lamps.

DIY Photo Lamps: Awesome Lit Up Buildings of Choice

Inspired by old buildings that look even greater when lit at night, Claire from FellowFellow has come up with these awesome lamps that deliver that special warmth of the luminaries and twinkle lights, that we all love. A great way to recycle old books (or you can print your own stuff if you want), these DIY photo lamps charm with their wee glow. And when you think that all you need is a pair of scissors, sticky tape, a sharp knife and a set of those little battery powered tea light’s, it’s even more amazing to see the end result. Oh and one more thing. Not sure what you think, but I guess it’s a great thing to do with your kids if you want to spend some time together doing something really useful.