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CUENTOS EN VIDEO - Educacion preescolar zona 33. Menú de unidades didácticas del nivel A1. Números de 1 a 20 Un vídeo para conocer los números del uno al veinte e identificarlos en el entorno.

Menú de unidades didácticas del nivel A1

¿Cómo se llama? Un vídeo para conocer los nombres y apellidos más frecuentes y algunas fiestas y lugares de España. Números de 20 a 100 Un vídeo para conocer los números del veinte al cien e identificarlos en el entorno. Números y letras Un vídeo para observar que las letras del alfabeto y los números están muy presentes en nuestro entorno. ¿Qué, dónde, cómo? La alimentación. Junta de Castilla y León:QUIJOTE: Vídeo la aventura de los Molinos. En español: El partido de fútbol - Loescher Editore. En español: El museo - Loescher Editore. Cortos. En el mercado. Nivel A2. Dream Home Spanish Tour - 1-HGTV. Entrevistas. BABELZONE - Los esqueletos. Index / Índice. To help you get started - what to expect under each titlePara comenzar - lo que se encontrarán dentro de cada título Beginner 10-60 seconds in lengthPrincipiante de 10 a 60 segundos de duración Speakers from a wide variety of countries Hispanoparlandes de una variedad de países Greetings, name, place of origin, sometimes a bit of family Saludos, nombre, lugar de origin, a veces algo sobre la familia Intermediate 30 seconds - 3 minutes in lengthIntermediario de 30 segundos a 3 minutos de duración longer anecdotes anécdotas más largas full transcriptions transcripciones completas vocabulary lists and some exercises listas de vocabulario, algunas prácticas some completely in the present algunos completamente en el tiempo presente some with preterite/imperfect in colors to highlight the aspect used. algunos con usos del pretérito/imperfecto a colores indicando el aspecto usado Grammar focusEnfoque gramatical What my grandmother told meLo que me contó mi abuela.

Index / Índice

Counting Numbers in Spanish Video. Learning Spanish – Videos for Kids and Children. Spanish Language Song about Days of the Week for Kids. Las Descripciones en español. Pinterest. Migraña - Aprende de Salud en Educatina. Se estima que, a nivel mundial, la enfermedad afecta entre el 10 y 13% de las personas, sobretodo a adolescentes y adultos jóvenes.

Migraña - Aprende de Salud en Educatina

Para tener un conocimiento más claro sobre la migraña, primero definiremos qué entendemos por cefalea. Se denomina cefalea a la sensación de dolor ubicado en el cráneo (cabeza), que puede provenir por múltiples factores. La migraña es un subtipo de cefalea que se presenta de forma unilateral (en la mitad izquierda o mitad derecha del cráneo), generando ataques agudos e intermitentes de dolor.

Pinterest. "Moscas resucitadas", cuento de Ema Wolf. CinELE. CinELE. CinELE. Pinterest. Direct and Indirect Objects. JUEGO DE MANOS "Chocolate" Cuando era pequeña. Pretérito Imperfecto. A2. Understanding Mexicans: Día de Muertos. El desayuno. COMO SOY- MI RUTINA DIARIA. Me gusta- mis pasatiempos. Pinterest. Pinterest.

Spanish in Spain. In Spain, greetings and partings between friends tend to be both casual and highly demonstrative, a quality which often perplexes visitors from cultures that are more restrained.

Spanish in Spain

A kiss on each cheek, starting with the left, is given as a greeting between women and women, men and women, and even men and men. These kisses can also be accompanied by a hug. In a formal introduction or when greeting an elder, the formal second person pronoun is used even as two kisses are still exchanged. In a formal business introduction, all parties simply shake hands. When a person greets a group of close friends, regardless of the size of the group, two kisses are given to each person. Copyright © 2003 Five College Center for the Study of World Languages.

Basic Spanish III. There are many words for everyday activities in Spanish that are often used for describing daily routines.

Basic Spanish III

Some of them are very common and those are the ones… Read More » There are two basic ways to ask what someone does in Spanish: ¿A qué te dedicas? And ¿Qué haces? Talking about jobs and professions in Spanish is very common, especially when you are getting to know someone. In this lesson, you will find the vocabulary for occupations in Spanish to answer those questions, from jobs like… Read More » Basic Spanish II. There are three different ways to talk about our possessions in Spanish.

Basic Spanish II

The first one is using Spanish possessive pronouns, the second one using the preposition DE (of) and the third one and perhaps the most popular, by using Spanish possessive adjectives or ADJETIVOS POSESIVOS. In this grammar lesson, you will learn the rules to use… Read More » We often use possessive pronouns in Spanish to talk about the things we belong to us or to other people. They are very useful in daily conversations and very easy to use if we know a few grammar rules to use. Basic Spanish I. Knowing how to introduce yourself and someone else in Spanish is always the first step to begin a good, simple conversation especially with someone you just met.

Basic Spanish I

The expressions and questions for introductions in Spanish are very similar to the ones in English. They are usually accompanied by one or more Spanish greetings. Basic Spanish phrases and questions for simple conversations. Expressing feelings & emotions in Spanish using ESTAR and adjectives. Feelings and emotions in Spanish, los sentimientos y las emociones, are a special kind of adjectives we often use in everyday conversations.

Expressing feelings & emotions in Spanish using ESTAR and adjectives

In this lesson, we will learn a list of moods in Spanish through a nice video and explain how you o you can create simple sentences in Spanish using the new vocabulary. This lesson also includes several conversations of different people talking about the way they feel in Spanish or how they are doing. Talking about the weather & seasons in Spanish (conversations + quiz) Los días de la semana en español: frases y preguntas útiles. Days of the week in Spanish: useful phrases and questions. Subject pronouns in Spanish: list, sentences and important notes. Las presentaciones en español: presentándote a ti y a otras personas. Basic Spanish greetings, farewells and introductions. Basic Spanish phrases and questions for simple conversations.

Describing people in Spanish: important adjectives and verbs. Cómo describir personas en español: adjetivos y verbos importantes. Los adjetivos en español: reglas para usar adjetivos en descripciones.