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High Level Wellness Daily

High-Level Wellness Daily is a health and wellness coaching & consulting company that is passionate about empowering women of color through its holistic health and wellness programs and coaching packages. Our approach is followed by learning, healing, discovering, and researching to bring transformation that lasts.

Women Wellness Consultant In NY. Black Women’S Wellness Program. MY BODY BEAUTIFUL- A Fat Loss Program for Black Women that ensures Results. Do you know that around three thousand people die due to obesity every year?

MY BODY BEAUTIFUL- A Fat Loss Program for Black Women that ensures Results

After smoking, obesity has now become the number one cause of death in this country. Thus, if you have been trying to lose those extra twenty pounds and do not seem to achieve results, then you have come to the right place. At the High-Level Wellness Program, we bring you a very effective 6-Week Body Transformation Program- My Body Beautiful. This exclusive Fat Loss Program for Black Women targets healthy living.

Whether you want to discover the ways of permanent weight loss or looking to get rid of those extra 20 pounds, this program will help you achieve your goal. The Most Fruitful Black Women’s Wellness Program. Have you ever imagined what would it feel like to live wholly, be healthier and create wellness that supports your dreams?

The Most Fruitful Black Women’s Wellness Program

Can you afford to spend one more day burnt-out, bloated and depressed? Welcome to High-Level Wellness Daily, where we have introduced various personalized Black Women’s Wellness Program that is designed to break through the barriers holding you back from living a healthier life nutritionally, mentally, and holistically. We believe that achieving optimal health and wellness does not have to be an elusive task.

We bring groundbreaking ways and methods to help improve your health, regain vitality and enjoy premium wellness. Given below is the detailed information of all our health and wellness programs that you can join to discover the secrets of health transformation: Shift, Shape & Soar Program: this program helps you reshape your mindset, gain clarity and become a calmer version of yourself. Get the opportunity to work alongside Dr. The Best Women’s Wellness Consultant In NY. Holistic Health Coaching Programs are the best way to make the women feel better not just mentally but physically.

The Best Women’s Wellness Consultant In NY

It helps them empower their lives, communities and eventually the entire world. At High-Level Wellness Daily, we aim to add worth in the lives of women of colour through the methods of healing, discovering, learning and researching. Holistic health and wellness is key to feeling your best, having the energy to do everything you desire and most importantly caring for yourself optimally as well as of the loved ones. Wellness is a state where an individual feels good physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It is attained through conscious drive and actions that encourage the goal of good health. The Best Women’s Wellness Consultant in NY. High-Level Wellness Daily is distinctively designed for professional, goal-oriented women who want to live their lives to the fullest and need effective guidance to help them improve their wellness.

The Best Women’s Wellness Consultant in NY

We work specifically with the women who want to attain a balance between Mind, Body and Spirit to become the best version of themselves. We provide several unique health coaching programs that have been thoughtfully created by a certified Women Wellness Consultant in NY – Dr. Juanne Osigweh who holds a passion for preventive health and wellness. Along with having fifteen years of experience in nutrition and public health, she is well qualified to provide expert wellness strategies. Our multi-faceted programs also focus on women’s weight loss alongside holistic performance coaching. Needless to say that without good health, our dreams and goals can never become a reality. What makes Dr. Communities across the country. Holistic Health Coaching Programs. Best Fat Loss Consultant. Trying to lose the last twenty pounds and not getting the results you want?

Best Fat Loss Consultant

Our fat loss coaching programs are packed with strategies for guaranteed fat loss. If you just can’t seem to lose the extra fat, we can provide you with a blueprint for stubborn fat loss. Our fat loss programs offer practical advice and weight management resources. We explain in detail the role of dietary change in weight management. We provide guidance on nutrition and exercise, and we get into the mindset change required for sustainable weight management. We address the impact of hormones, chronic stress, sleep, as well as nutritional deficiencies and metabolic imbalances. What to expect? Fat Loss Program for Black Women Studies show that African-American women experience more difficulty losing weight in comparison to Caucasian women.

References Murphy PJ, Williams RL. Kumanyika SK. Fat Loss Program For Black Women. Best Online Health Coaching Programs.