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Log In to Canvas. | The Best way to save your Favorites Locations on an Interactive Map. The 5 Best Free Digital Magazine Creation Tools for Teachers. E-Learning Bookmarking Service - e-Learning Tags - Your Source for Social News and Networking. The 5 Best Free Cartoon Making Tools for Teachers. Toondoo About Toondoo ToonDoo is a comic cartoon creator that allows users to choose from a wide variety of art in order to create completely original cartoons.

How to Use ToondooClick the link above to visit ToonDoo’s site. Once there, locate the red button to the top right of the screen that reads “Sign Up for FREE!” And click it. While you are able to sign up for ToonDooSpaces, note that it is not free. Thus, this guide will focus on regular Toondoo. After this, you will be redirected to ToonDoo’s sign in page; sign in with your username and password. At the left of the Creator, you are able to choose characters, backgrounds, props, texts, special effects, clipart, and images from your gallery. Build engaged audiences through publishing by curation. |

Make Your Images Interactive - ThingLink. Build engaged audiences through publishing by curation. | Evernote | Remember everything with Evernote, Skitch and our other great apps. Storify · Make the web tell a story. Fifteen Fantastic Sources For Free Art and Images For Your MOOC Projects.

One very common assignment in MOOCs you may come across is to create a digital artifact such as a collage, photo illustration, animation, video or presentation. Or you may decide to add images to your other written assignments and wish you could find some sources of free art. Where once copyright was an issue that made finding photos and art difficult, museums and other sites are now making more and more content available for educational use, and the internet offers new sources all the time. What was once available to some — for a price — is now becoming available to many . . . . for free. If you have done a search for “free images” you have already discovered that “royalty-free” does not mean FREE-free. Or if you use a search tool like Google Images you can quickly locate just about any picture you could ever want, but very few of those images are licensed for public use. 1.

Need a chart, graph or visual? 2. 3. 4. Photo credit: Sprengben [why not get a friend] / / CC BY-NC-SA.