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Coolest Earth Day Craft Ideas - Crafts Made from Recycled Materials « Cans « Crafts With « Kids Crafts & Activities. Earth Day will be here in just a couple of weeks.

Coolest Earth Day Craft Ideas - Crafts Made from Recycled Materials « Cans « Crafts With « Kids Crafts & Activities

In honor of Earth Day I thought I would scour the internet looking for cool ideas for Earth Day crafts. All of the crafts that I found and have listed here are made from recycled materials. Earth Day is a special day to celebrate the Earth and to increase awareness and appreciation of the Earth’s natural environment. And, I think making crafts from recycled materials such as the ones found here is a great way to teach children about recycling and the importance of doing that to help save our Earth. So, without further ado…. (1) Newspaper Roses Look how beautiful these Roses are?

(2) Serving Tray I love, love, love this idea!! (3) Can-Do Robots Made from tin cans these robots are so freakin cute. . (4) Cardboard Ottoman or Side Table What a clever and creative idea!! (5) Smashed Soda Can Animals Ok, this cow is really cute, isn’t he?! (6) Milk Jug Shade Now, this recycled craft turns out beautiful, doesn’t it? (7) Recycled Picnic Basket. Crafty Nest. 15 DIY crafts you need to make right now. It's cold, it's raining and quite frankly, it's utterly miserable outside at the moment.

15 DIY crafts you need to make right now

So stay in! But then it hits you. It's not that great inside either. You're young, so you haven't got all of that furniture and all of the little decorative trinkets that accumulate over time, and if you have, you haven't got nearly enough. So we say, make them! Instead of spending your time sitting around moaning about the weather, why not spend your time doing something useful? Why not spend your time crafting some of these? Freshers Fields is back for 2013! 1. Source Stick your button collection around a balloon (and importantly) to each other. 2. Source Glue, buttons, cardboard and a bit of artistic ingenuity and you'll have yourself a great sign for your bedroom door (assuming you use the first letter of your first name). 3. Simply wash out a screw top spirit bottle, find a screw top soap dispenser and put it together. 50 Life Hacks to Simplify your World. Life hacks are little ways to make our lives easier.

50 Life Hacks to Simplify your World

These low-budget tips and trick can help you organize and de-clutter space; prolong and preserve your products; or teach you something (e.g., tie a full Windsor) that you simply did not know before. Most of these came from a great post on tumblr. There is also a great subreddit ‘r/lifehacks‘ with some fantastic tips as well. DIY Picture Tiles - You Will Never Buy a Photo Frame Again. Lately I’ve been having this huge urge to decorate the house.

DIY Picture Tiles - You Will Never Buy a Photo Frame Again

This is big news. I do not decorate. Arguably, one of the reasons why is because I. absolutely. hate. to. buy. mass. produced. decor. (Also, I can’t ever remember if pink and purple go together or not.) Anyway, this extends to photo frames. Nope. Long story short, I discovered this method of transferring my photos cheaply, quickly, and beautifully to something uncommon and unique.

Tiles. The only thing that’s not particularly crunchy about this is that it uses Modge Podge or similar (and I’m not sure what’s in Modge Podge). 31 Insanely Easy And Clever DIY Projects. Via on DIY Doily Lamp. How-To: "Stained Glass" Votive Holders. By Jenny Ryan Many times when I’m at the grocery or drug store, I can’t resist throwing a few scented votive candles in my cart.

How-To: "Stained Glass" Votive Holders

When I’m ready to burn them, it’s easy enough to sit one on a cute little vintage china saucer, but I recently decided to try and find a fancier display solution for them. I also wanted the project to be inexpensive, and the materials used to be things I already had on hand. I was inspired by memories of making faux-stained glass in elementary school and came up with these fun little glass votive holders. This project is quick and easy, and a great way to whip up custom party décor on the cheap. Materials Tissue paper in your desired colors Mod Podge (matte finish), in a pinch you can also use school gluePaintbrush Scissors Glass containers to fit your candle(s), I used thrifted vases and wine tumblers Paper punches in various shapes Q-tips, optional Directions Step 3: Start affixing the punched-out paper shapes to the glass using your paintbrush.

More: Related. Ballard Designs Junction Paper Holder. Turn Paint Chips into a Dry Erase Calendar.