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Bakers Royale. Something new for #16-homemade marshmallows and a parve s'more tart. Like many of you foodies out there, i also look at many other websites and blogs dedicated to food. in a recent post on food52, i saw an invitation to members of the website to test tart recipes that they are featuring in an editors pick challenge. since i knew i would be making a pie this week, i quickly committed myself to testing the s'more tart on the list. little did i know that it was a parve tart. for those of you who do not know what this means, it is a jewish dietary law that does not allow the mixing of meat and dairy. anyone who has come from a home with a kosher kitchen understands this-i did not but have had enough exposure to it to know that this was going to be interesting. how can you make marshmallows without egg whites?

something new for #16-homemade marshmallows and a parve s'more tart

Since i have promised an original recipe each week, i am including the link to the recipe from the food52 as well as my nonparve interpretation. i made two small tarts, the parve version is in the rear while the nonparve version is in the forefront. MINI MONKEY BREAD. Marshmallow 101. A few months ago, I promised a marshmallow tutorial –WITH PHOTOS!

Marshmallow 101

– to Laura and Karen, to prove that, YES! , they can make marshmallows at home. Big, soft, happy, puffy marshmallows that taste much better than any you’ll find at the grocery.


Ice cream/Popsicles. Frosting. Brownies. Cookies/Bars. (Cup)Cake. Decorations. Pie. Vegan.