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10 Skills to Master in the Fast-Paced Tech Industry - Merlin. Technology continues to evolve each year, and along with it comes a host of skills that organizations need to keep up with the times. The pace with which the industry changes is so fast that what used to be considered a hot tech skill last year could become extinct virtually overnight. While most of the must-have tech expertise through the years continue to be sought after, the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud-based systems, and new technology initiatives have compelled businesses to ramp up their IT skill set to cope with growing demand. 1. IT Architecture As a core area of expertise among tech practitioners, an IT architect covers a wide range of skills that are critical to a successful completion of tech-driven projects. 2. New connected devices are introduced in the market all the time, and companies need to adapt by adjusting the chip design required to work with new systems. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.