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Brain, Mind, Consciousness

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Image Result for. 7 Best-Case Scenarios for the Future of Humanity. Spirit Science. Spirit Science is the animated series that started it all. The show follows Patchman, a little multidimensional patch-doll who takes you on a journey into the unknown and begins a long discussion about what it means to be Spiritual. Thoughts, Chakras, Sacred-Geometry, Astral Travel, and even Atlantis, through Spirit Science we look at all of these topics. Most people don’t realize that there is a very powerful connection between Spirituality and Science.

All of our modern scientific fields are slowly but surely coming full circle in understanding a very cosmic connection between all things. All of the atoms, particles, plants, animals, humans, and galaxies, all function under very similar patterns and principles of existence. Lesson Guide Lesson 1 – Thoughts Patchman begins your journey into the unknown with the basics. Lesson 2 – Chakras In this lesson, we take a look at Chakras, and how your body picks up energy on a vibratory level. Lesson 3 – Channeling Lesson 4 – Male and Female Energy. Le blog du potentiel humain, épanouissement personnel et spirituel. Marshall Goldsmith Library. Providing feedback has long been considered to be an essential skill for leaders. As they strive to achieve the goals of the organization, employees need to know how they are doing. They need to know if their performance is in line with what their leaders expect.

They need to learn what they have done well and what they need to change. Traditionally, this information has been communicated in the form of “downward feedback” from leaders to their employees. Just as employees need feedback from leaders, leaders can benefit from feedback from their employees. Employees can provide useful input on the effectiveness of procedures and processes and as well as input to managers on their leadership effectiveness. But there is a fundamental problem with all types of feedback: it focuses on the past, on what has already occurred—not on the infinite variety of opportunities that can happen in the future. . • Pick one behavior that they would like to change. Eleven Reasons to Try FeedForward 1. 2. 3. 5 Things Your Brain Needs More Of Every Day. The things we put into our bodies have a gigantic effect on the way that we feel. While it's obvious that a salad for lunch will give us more energy in the afternoon than a plate of cheese fries, there's a whole range of consumables--via eating, drinking, or otherwise--that can boost your alertness, awareness, and productivity.

Some of these things you're probably already doing, like drinking tea. Some of these things you're not getting enough of, like sunshine. Some of these things you didn't expect. What you need: Caffeine + Theanine to get relaxed and alert If you know how to use it well, caffeine can help you remember things. How to get more: Thankfully, the caffeine and theanine super combo is readily present in one of the most-sipped beverages the world over: the black and green varieties of tea. What you need: Sunlight for a sunny disposition The most and least obvious of the things we need more of is sunlight.

How to get more: Take a walk outside, as early in the day as possible.