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Colums. OO. Center. Constructing Fixed Layouts with a Simple CSS Framework. Constructing Fixed Layouts with a Simple CSS Framework(Page 1 of 4 ) Introduction Since the major advantage of using a CSS framework like this lies in its ability to reuse a set of predefined selectors and classes, in the last article I left off explaining how to apply this concept to build a liquid web page layout. This layout was comprised basically of two main columns, along with the typical header and footer sections. To be frank, building this popular type of layout is reduced to including a couple of CSS files into an (X)HTML document, and creating the pertinent structural markup. It was that simple. However, any decent CSS framework must be capable of working with different kinds of designs, a feature our framework lacks as it currently stands.

Of course, it’s necessary to fix this crucial issue, so in this third episode of the series, I’ll be coding another CSS file, which will permit us to build fixed layouts as simply as we can create liquid ones. How do I... Center a Web page layout using CSS? Creating Dynamic Websites Using JavaScript. In the last article we discussed a method for creating a modular Javascript toolbox.

Having this ability is a great boon for rapid development, but does little in the way of being very useful on its own--so this week we'll move on to one of the most common uses for Javascript since its debut: modifying the appearance of your website! Thanks to standards developed by the W3C, as well as concepts based in SGML, each page has a document heirerarchy associated with it.

We call this the DOM, (Document Object Model), and it is very useful for creating DHTML (Dynamic HTML) pages when used in conjunction with CSS and Javascript. There are books that cover the concept of the DOM by itself so it is slightly outside of the scope of this article, however we can use it to create our own dynamic pages. Let's start by creating some generic CSS classes that will allow us to manipulate the page via JavaScript. And now to see them in action (remember to properly include the file from the last article!) Creating Hybrid Web Page Layouts with Negative Margins. Creating Hybrid Web Page Layouts with Negative Margins(Page 1 of 4 ) Introduction Building web page layouts using a DIV-based approach has become very popular with both beginners and experienced web designers. This technique has proven to be more flexible and better structured than using plain tables. In consequence, as the table-less paradigm continues gaining advocates in the terrain of professional web development, different approaches have emerged, aimed at facilitating the creation of web page layouts by using only a few containing DIVs.

And speaking of DIV-driven approaches, one of the most popular methodologies used over last few years when it comes to constructing the front-end of a given web site, is one that utilizes negative margins to position the main columns of a web document, in this manner creating layouts that will be displayed consistently across most modern browsers. Creating Three-Column Web Page Layous with Negative Margins. Creating Three-Column Web Page Layous with Negative Margins(Page 1 of 4 ) Introduction The use of negative margins to create web page layouts that can be displayed consistently across most modern browsers isn't new; it has been used over the last few years successfully by many web designers.

However, there's the possibility that you may want to learn how to put this technique to work for you, or that you need to fill some gaps regarding its usage. In either case, in these articles, you'll be provided with numerous hands-on examples to teach you how to build a decent variety of web page layouts using CSS negative margins. We started with the construction of different two-column liquid and fixed designs, and we will finish by creating more complex ones, including the classical three-column layout. Since at this point you're well aware of the main subject of this article series, I'm going to spend a few minutes refreshing the topics that were discussed in the last tutorial. So far, so good. Swapping Column Positions in Web Page Layouts with Negative Marg.

Swapping Column Positions in Web Page Layouts with Negative Margins(Page 1 of 4 ) Introduction As you possibly know, building DIV-based web page layouts has become the goal of many web designers who wish to adhere to the standards dictated by the W3 Consortium. Naturally, this has empowered the development of different approaches aimed at building web sites with the table-less paradigm in mind. Of course, it’s quite probable that you’ve already used some DIVs to create web page layouts that are displayed consistently across distinct browsers, by floating the boxes to the left and the right of a web document. Among the variety of approaches that can be used to build DIV-based web page layouts, there’s one in particular that deserves a closer look, because of its easy learning curve.

Therefore, if you wish to learn the full details of how to put this handy approach to work for you, then this article series might be what you’re looking for. Creating Web Page Layouts with Negative Margins. Creating Web Page Layouts with Negative Margins(Page 1 of 4 ) Introduction When web designers started building web page layouts using now-venerable DIVs, a considerable number of approaches emerged quickly. These different techniques demonstrated the numerous advantages of the table-less paradigm. Among many crucial things, you've no doubt learned that DIVs could be easily floated to the left and the right of a web document. This facilitates the creation of consistent web page layouts by mean of only a few floating boxes. In most cases, when floating DIVs are used to build the layout of a web document, they're simply positioned to the left or right side of the pertinent document, according to the number of containing columns that need to be created.

However, as you probably know, it's also possible to build robust web page layouts that use negative margins to accommodate the containing DIVs within the corresponding web document.