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Seth Godin. La méthode des cas. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Les méthodes pédagogique La méthode des cas (de l'anglais case studies) est une technique mise au point par des universitaires américains à la fin du XIXe siècle, en particulier pour l'enseignement du droit à Harvard Business School ou un peu plus tard vers 1920 à la Harvard Law School pour simuler des situations et placer les étudiants en situation d'acteurs. Historique[modifier | modifier le code] Issue de la maïeutique, la technique socratique de questionnement et d'auto-formation, elle n'a guère atteint la France que vers 1930. Elle est maintenant largement utilisée dans les domaines du droit, de la gestion, en relations et ressources humaines, surtout à l'université et en formation continue.

Elle repose d'abord sur l'idée qu'un apprentissage doit coller à la réalité pour être efficace, idée qui est à la base de tout projet reposant sur une pédagogie active. Définition[modifier | modifier le code] Paper pour travail de groupe Charles I. Examples of a Scalable Business Model. Scalability describes how easy it is to expand a business model and grow its revenues significantly without equally increasing its cost base. Business owners should consider the significance of scalable business models and their practical long-term advantages. Relative to its fixed cost base, revenues have the potential to increase exponentially and therefore, scalable businesses offer more profitability and huge growth opportunities. While there are numerous scalable business models, more and more use an Internet-based scalable business model. Importance For the long term, a scalable business model is optimally designed to provide increased profitability without a linear relationship between cost and revenue.

For a business owner, this means that you do not have to spend much more money in order to bring in a lot more revenue. For example, software falls in this category because selling more products does not necessitate much more expense. Internet Businesses Social Media About the Author. Modèle de croissance des startups : comment monter un business « scalable » ?

L’une des questions qui revient souvent dans les divers jurys auxquels je participe est celle de la « scalability », comprenez la capacité pour une jeune entreprise de grossir facilement, ou en tout cas avec des coûts maîtrisés, et d’être capable de reproduire son modèle. Certains parleront même d’industrialisation. Question pertinente côté investisseurs, mais aussi pour les entrepreneurs : si tous les créateurs ne se lancent pas pour faire une « grosse » entreprise, la plupart y songent tout de même et pour certains c’est même l’une des seules façons de se faire plaisir à terme. Comment grandir, vite, bien, et de manière rentable ? Mais alors, qu’est-ce que c’est qu’un business « scalable » ? Car finalement, et là est l’enjeu, si on veut pouvoir inscrire un chiffre élevé pour l’année 3 de son compte de résultat prévisionnel (les hypothèses sont conservatrices – haha !)

, et ce sans passer pour un rigolo, il va bien falloir expliquer comment on grandit… Scalable business models. What’s A Startup? First Principles. Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. Winston Churchill Everyone knows what a startup is for – don’t they? In this post we’re going to offer a new definition of why startups exist: a startup is an organization formed to search for a repeatable and scalable business model. A Business ModelOk, but what is a business model? A business model describes how your company creates, delivers and captures value. Or in English: A business model describes how your company makes money. (Or depending on your metrics for success, get users, grow traffic, etc.) Think of a business model as a drawing that shows all the flows between the different parts of your company.

While this is a mouthful, it’s a lot easier to draw. Drawing A Business ModelLots of people have been working on how to diagram and draw a business. Alexander Osterwalder's Business Model Template (At Stanford, Ann Miura-Ko and I have been working on a simplified Silicon Valley version of this model. Kenneth Denman, iPass - Importance of a Scalable Business Model and Architecture. Scalable Business Models. When a business model has the potential to generate growth in revenues significantly faster than its cost base, the business model is scalable.

As growing revenues increases the operating margin, scalable business models have the potential for earning very high profits. The key to scalable business models is to have small Costs Of Goods Sold (COGS), and to get a demand driving revenues up. Cost Of Goods SoldCOGS is the cost for each product or service, plus additional costs necessary to get the product into inventory and ready for sale, including shipping and handling, and is a variable cost associated with each unit sold. With low COGS, the contribution margin has the potential to increase dramatically relative to the fixed cost base, resulting in high profits. A product business with outsourced manufacturing can supply thousands of units with the same staff as it might supply hundreds of units. Selling SoftwareA common example of a scalable business model is selling software.