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CV常見的問題(一) 最近收到幾位從事會計的網友的電郵,他們不約而同地希望我可以看看他們的CV,並給一些意見。


看後發現了一些寫CV常見的問題,加上自己過往的經驗,現在列出來供大家參考,並且歡迎補充。 至於要如何寫一份CV,坊間有很多樣板,這裡不詳述了。 問題一:內容過於簡單 身為專業會計師,CV不應太過簡單。 最普遍的問題在工作經驗這一欄。 以上述「Handle AR」為例,其實可以詳盡闡述一下,例如改成「Responsible for Account Receivable (AR) processes such as post sales invoice, maintain sub-ledger, prepare receipt voucher, reconcile sub-ledger with control account, monitor AR outstanding status and prepare monthly AR aging report for management review」;如果略嫌太過詳細,改成「Responsible for Account Receivable (AR) processes, reconcile sub-ledger and monitor outstanding status with X,XXX accounts」也可以。 又例如只寫「Perform external audit assignment」,其實也可以寫一下自己曾經審核過那些類型的客戶,例如 manufacturing firms, trading firms, financial institutes等等,這些對找新工作會有幫助的。 除了詳細說明工作範圍外,CV上應也寫上職位的 reporting line,例如 directly reporting to Finance Director之類。

CV常見的問題(二) 上一篇講了關於CV內容太簡單,頁數太長或太短,以及格式等三個常見的問題,這篇將會講餘下來的四個。


問題四:文法及拼寫錯誤 避免文法及拼寫錯誤是老生常談,這裡不詳述了,不過有三個常見的問題,我認為值得拿出來說一下。 1)小心使用“&”(Ampersand) 很多時為求簡潔,我們都會使用“&”這個符號來代替“and”。 其實在一般書寫當中不宜這樣做,因為會讓別人有一種不嚴謹的感覺。 2)注意縮寫. CV常見的問題(後記) CV常見的問題(後記) 求職電郵常見的問題. How to Dress for a Job Interview in a Recession. We are reminded daily that the economic outlook isn’t good; for those of us looking for work, it’s hard to imagine a worse scenario.Not only are there less jobs out there, the number and quality of people applying for them continues to rise.Interviews have gone from competitive to ultra-competitive.

How to Dress for a Job Interview in a Recession

This article deals with how to dress for a job interview.What you wear to an interview is important because it is a factor you can control, unlike other factors such as who will interview you or what questions will be asked.Not dressing appropriately is one of the most common ways job seekers shoot themselves in the foot; it immediately signals to the interviewer that you did not properly prepare and damages your chances for the position.In today’s ultracompetitive job market, why would you let something so simple get in your way? The Interview Suit The good news is that the classical men’s suit style has remained the same for a hundred years. The Dress Shirt Your Tie Dress Shoes Hosiery Grooming.