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PLEX: A System for Computational Homology. Cx-extractor - 基于行块分布函数的通用网页正文抽取:线性时间、不建DOM树、与HTML标签无关. Gearman [Gearman] A Library for Support Vector Machines. LIBSVM -- A Library for Support Vector Machines Chih-Chung Chang and Chih-Jen Lin Version 3.20 released on November 15, 2014.

A Library for Support Vector Machines

It conducts some minor fixes. LIBSVM tools provides many extensions of LIBSVM. Please check it if you need some functions not supported in LIBSVM. We now have a nice page LIBSVM data sets providing problems in LIBSVM format. A practical guide to SVM classification is available now! To see the importance of parameter selection, please see our guide for beginners. Using libsvm, our group is the winner of IJCNN 2001 Challenge (two of the three competitions), EUNITE world wide competition on electricity load prediction, NIPS 2003 feature selection challenge (third place), WCCI 2008 Causation and Prediction challenge (one of the two winners), and Active Learning Challenge 2010 (2nd place). Introduction. Thehackerwithin (The Hacker Within) SIMILE Widgets. Websiteschema - This project propose a method to discover the schema of a website, to implement the numerical analysis on web pages. The final goal is to implement the Unsupervised Learning on Web Information Extraction.

Mapper. Privacy Information. What If We Thought More Often About Being Tracked Online? Man Stalks Himself To Find Out. It's no secret that data mining is big business--but what if Internet users could monetize their personal data on their own?

What If We Thought More Often About Being Tracked Online? Man Stalks Himself To Find Out

New York University grad student Federico Zannier raised the question by unleashing an arsenal of digital espionage tools on his own computer: a Chrome extension that documents every web address visited; software that records GPS location; and a custom application that takes a screenshot, a webcam photo, and records the mouse position every time a new tab opens. “I’ve data mined myself,” he recently announced on a Kickstarter campaign page. “I’ve violated my own privacy. Now I am selling it all.” Zannier got the idea to track his every online action while researching the cookies installed on his browser. And so he began his extreme expression of the quantified self movement. The project, his thesis at NYU’s Interactive Telecommunication Program, was at first simply intended to be a way to bring online tracking into his daily conciousness.

RGB to Hex, HSL, HSV, HSB and JSON. Color schemes, color keywords. Cold Hard Facts - Tags. - We Save Web History For You.


NELL. Question2Answer - Free Open Source Q&A Software for PHP. Archive of Interesting Code. The Archive of Interesting Code is an (ambitious) effort on my part to research, intuit, and code up every interesting algorithm and data structure ever invented.

Archive of Interesting Code

In doing so, I hope both to learn the mathematical techniques that power these technologies and to improve my skills as a programmer. In case you're curious what I'm someday hoping to having implemented on this page, you can check out my TODO list. If you're interested in using any of this code in your applications, feel free to do so! You don't need to cite me or this website as a source, though I would appreciate it if you did. However, please don't plagiarize the code here by claiming authorship - that would just be dishonest.

Enjoy! OpenNLP - Welcome to Apache OpenNLP. Jimhester/knitr_bootstrap. Rlsi-java-source - Regularized Latent Semantic Indexing (RLSI) and NMF in Java. RLSI (Regularized Latent Semantic Indexing) is a non-probabilistic topic model proposed in [1].

rlsi-java-source - Regularized Latent Semantic Indexing (RLSI) and NMF in Java

The Java package parallelizes RLSI algorithm via multi-threading. We also provide the Java implementation of NMF (Non-negative Matrix Factorization) used in[2]. [1] Quan Wang , Jun Xu , Hang Li , Nick Craswell, Regularized latent semantic indexing, Proceedings of the 34th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in Information Retrieval, July 24-28, 2011, Beijing, China. [2] Quan Wang , Jun Xu , Hang Li , Nick Craswell, Regularized Latent Semantic Indexing: A New Approach to Large-Scale Topic Modeling, ACM Transactions on Information Systems, Vol. 31, No. 1, Article 5, Publication date: January 2013.

SPArse Modeling Software.