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Building a FileReader Service For AngularJS: The Service. Redux: Creating an Application Dialog Service using AngularJS, Twitter Bootstrap & Angular UI-Bootstrap. In my previous post about creating modal/dialog service using Twitter Bootstrap and AngularJS, I used Angular UI Bootstrap version 0.5.0. As of version 0.6.0 the modal directive has changed a bit, the dialog object (directive) is no longer available for injection into your controllers; instead a modal instance is now created. The directive is also under the module ui.bootstrap.modal instead of ui.bootstrap.dialog.

The changes are more than welcome in my opinion, have a look at the $modal service. One change in particular is the addition of a result promise on the modal instance. This alone reduced the amount of $scope. $on listeners and $rootScope. So I've rewritten my Angular dialog service to take advantage of the changes in Angular UI's Modal directive. Demo & Files What Do You Need? This file contains everything you'll need to easily create dialogs and modals in your Angular application.

Lets take a look at the $dialogs service. .factory('$dialogs',['$modal',function($modal){ That's it! Building an AngularJS Dialog Service - Dan Wahlin. Update: The Angular UI Bootstrap project pulled the $dialog service due to some incompatibility issues with the latest version of Bootstrap (hopefully it'll be back). In the meantime check out my post on Building an AngularJS Modal Service to work around the change. One of the tasks I find myself performing a lot when building Line of Business (LOB) applications is displaying dialogs.

Some of the dialogs are modal (the user can’t click on the background to dismiss it) and some are non-modal. For example, I’m currently working on a LOB application that displays modal dialogs as users delete items on a page: I’ve tried a few different AngularJS dialog directives that are out there but recently switched to Angular UI Bootstrap since its directives don’t have any dependencies on external libraries and are easy to use. Looking through the code you can see that the $dialog object’s dialog() function can be called to create a dialog.

Creating a Dialog Service Where did $dialog come from? Summary. Angularjs what is difference of creating service method between module.service and module.factory.