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NuConomy Announces the Death of the Page View - ReadWriteWeb. A new product from NuConomy Studio Insights promises to be a new way of measuring web analytics.

NuConomy Announces the Death of the Page View - ReadWriteWeb

Instead of the old model of page views and traffic, NuConomy proposes a way to measure engagement. With their product, you can understand your users' activities on your web site and how your users interact with your site's various features Measuring Engagement When looking at criteria like number of visits, recency, and depth of visits, you can't really determine a user's engagement, either positive or negative, with your site. According to NuConomy CEO, Shahar Nechmad, "engagement" has become somewhat of a buzzword lately, often used synonymously with "attention," so he wants to be clear that his product truly measures engagement, in the real definition of the word. VIAF. Tim Schwartz - Card Catalog. Lorcan Dempsey's weblog: Metadata and Heraclitus.

I was very struck a couple of years ago by a comment made by my colleague Eric Hellman.

Lorcan Dempsey's weblog: Metadata and Heraclitus

He talked about metadata in terms of rivers and lakes. In the library cataloging model we have had lakes - accumulating stores of data that do not change frequently over time and are fed by a few principal sources. In the ERM/Knowledge Base model we have rivers - stores of data that change frequently as products and services change and which are fed by many streams.