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Helping Hand Nursing Services

If you or an aging loved-one are considering Elder Care Services in Mulberry FL, please contact the caring staff at Helping Hands Nursing Services today. To learn about our affordable rates and obtain a FREE assessment for your loved one, call (863) 616-1888.

Personal Care from Helping Hand Nursing Services in Lakeland, FL. Helping Hand Nursing Services. Caring Can Transform Someone’s Dark Moments with a Blaze of Light. Companion Care from Helping Hand Nursing Services in Lakeland, FL. Fall Prevention Tips for Seniors – helpinghandnursingservices. Falls are one of the leading causes of injuries in seniors, such as fractures, cuts, etc.

Fall Prevention Tips for Seniors – helpinghandnursingservices

Some injuries, especially in the head can turn out to be fatal. Even in case the injury isn’t too serious, a fall can leave the senior frightened and fearful of certain activities as they’ll be afraid to fall again. What most people often fail to notice is that some of the most common causes of falls are right in the their house, and that is why fall prevention begins with creating a senior-friendly space where the elderly can live without any fear of falling or slipping. And well, this does not really call for a complete house remodeling. In fact, by following some simple tips, you can make your house safe from falls. Home health care for seniors.

Comfort home care. Ways Volunteering Benefits the Elderly. Retirement often leaves seniors wondering, “What Next?”

Ways Volunteering Benefits the Elderly

Sure, they have an open schedule for family vacations, get-togethers with friends, etc, but since their work provided them with a sense of accomplishment for years, they look for something similar than can feel rewarding and purposeful. According to experts, volunteering is one of the best ways for seniors to fill their time post retirement.Some of the key benefits volunteering offers to the elderly are: Increases socialization:- Volunteering gets the elderly out into the community where people count on their abilities. Home health care for seniors. Traveling With A Senior Loved One? Here’s Are Some Tips to Follow. Traveling with a senior loved one can be a lot of fun but it also brings a lot of responsibilities with it.

Traveling With A Senior Loved One? Here’s Are Some Tips to Follow

You’ve to ensure that your senior is safe and happy throughout the trip. Apart from that, there are also some precautionary tips that you must consider to make sure that the trip turns out to be a great experience for them: Consider even the minutest details: Planning your trip meticulously is the key to success. Although your senior loved one may be fond of traveling, they might get tired too soon. Thereby, effectively follow steps like booking non-stop flights and at the right times, looking for discounts, getting medical clearances, packing medicines and paperwork properly, and ensuring safety abroad. Apart from this, consider hiring a caregiver who will look after the needs of your loved one exquisitely while ensuring that their safety and other needs are taken care of throughout the trip.

Home care for elderly. Useful Tips For Effectively Communicating with Seniors Suffering From Alzheimer’s. Communication is the key to building and maintaining relationships since that’s how one can express their concerns, needs and vitally can relate to one another.

Useful Tips For Effectively Communicating with Seniors Suffering From Alzheimer’s

Communication doesn’t necessarily include just using the right kind of words; rather it is a combination of body language, attitude, tone of voice, and facial expressions. Unfortunately, communication can be especially hard for seniors suffering from Alzheimer’s disease since they face trouble in remembering things and finding words to put their point across in a better manner. It is not only a challenge for them, but also for their family, caregivers, and friends who struggle to understand their cues.

Home care for dementia patients. 7 Factors Why Helping Hand Nursing Services Can Be Trusted With Home Care Services in Lakeland, Florida. Caregivers for seniors. Helping Hand Nursing Services is licensed and established to provide the highest quality home care at the most affordable rates to client and families.

Caregivers for seniors

Our agency has developed a unique program that has proven to be powerful and effective in personalizing one-on-one care, tailored to meet the needs of each client. Careful screening through personal interviews and background checks assure that all home care aides have integrity, experience, and meet all of our agency’s highest ethical standards. Homemaker and Companions Compassionate, consistent, and competent Home Health Aides assist patients in making their home stay a comfortable as possible. They provide a wide array of home management assistance services to reduce the risk of injury while receiving care at home or to keep the house up to the standards of the clients – safe, liberating, and therapeutic all the time. Surprising Health Benefits of Laughter for Seniors. One of the best feelings in the world is an endemic laugh as it works wonders in bringing people together and in turn establishes remarkable connections.

Surprising Health Benefits of Laughter for Seniors

If there exists a “Universal language”, it is surely laughter- the best medicine, which works well not only for the mind but for the body as well. Given below are some of the surprising health benefits of laughter for the elderly. Reduces Stress: When the level of stress hormones reduces, anxiety and stress that accompany automatically reduce and work in boosting the performance of the immune system. When you smile, the movements of the facial muscles send signals to the brain which in turn helps in the release of endorphins – the neurotransmitters, and work as natural pain killers. Preserving Eyesight in Old Age. Your eyesight is one of the most vital things that you need protect if you want to sustain your quality of life.

Preserving Eyesight in Old Age

As you age, eye-related problems become apparent due to one or the other reason. Given below are some simple tips to help you keep your eyes healthy in old age. Take a look. Go for Regular Eye Exams:Do not ignore the importance of regular eye check-ups because they not only help in detecting diseases like glaucoma, AMD, cataract, etc. in the initial stages, but also provide an insight into conditions like hypertension and diabetes. Avoid Falls and Other Related Eye Injuries:Most of the eyes injuries are known to occur in and around the house; however, they can be prevented by making use of protective eyewear.

What is POLST form. Alzheimer's & Dementia Care. The Nurses and Office Staff at Helping Hand understand the challenges that families and caregivers face when caring for loved ones with Dementia.

Alzheimer's & Dementia Care

Helping Hand uses a holistic Person-Centered approach when focusing on Dementia Care. This perspective is the underlying philosophy of the Alzheimer’s Association. Research has proven that the quality of Dementia Care depends upon the quality of the assessment and care plan. Helping Hand begins care with a Nurse Assessment to learn more about your loved one’s routines, past interests, preferences, activities, and concurrent medical conditions. After completing the assessment, your nurse will develop a personalized care plan that follows evidence-based Dementia Care guidelines. Helping Hand uses compassionate caregivers who have the experience and training needed to properly care for your loved one. Gerontologist, 2018, Vol. 58. Tips for Maintaining Bone Health While Aging. Losing bone density is a common problem that people face as they age.

Tips for Maintaining Bone Health While Aging

Bone loss or osteoporosis is a condition in which the bones become extremely porous, thin, and fragile, which further put them at an increased risk of fractures. Luckily, there is a lot you can do for keeping your bones strong and healthy in your senior year. Some useful tips for maintaining bone health in old age are mentioned below: Eat a Balanced Diet: Diet plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy body, especially in keeping your bones strong.

Hearing Loss and Memory Loss May Be Linked - Helping Hand Nursing Services. Hearing loss can cause all kinds of problems for an older adult.

Hearing Loss and Memory Loss May Be Linked - Helping Hand Nursing Services

It can make it difficult to participate in conversations. The senior may also have trouble hearing on the telephone. Five Factors to Think about When it Comes to Becoming a Caregiver - Helping Hand Nursing Services. Caregiving can be one of those things that you ease into so slowly that you don’t realize you’re there until something big happens. Top Benefits of Aging in Place – helpinghandnursingservices. If you have taken the time to think about where you would live as you get older, and have decided to age in your own home, you aren’t alone. Skilled Nursing at Helping Hand Nursing Services. Ways to Alleviate Loneliness in Seniors. The elderly often experience the loneliness that further affects their overall health and well-being in many different ways. It is often the main reason for mental issues like anxiety, depression, and stress in older adults.

Declining social circle, loss of a spouse, poor health, etc. are some of the common reasons why seniors often feel lonely during this phase of their life. If you have an aging parent or grandparent that seems to interact lesser than before due to any unknown reasons, try to keep them engaged and positive about life. Below mentioned are some useful tips that can help you alleviate loneliness in your senior loved one: · Take time to listen: Sometimes, the best thing you can do for a senior is taking out time to listen to them. . · Establish a routine: Agencies for elderly home care. Helping Hand Nursing Services is a locally owned and operated Nurse Registry that has been providing the most affordable and comprehensive home care in Polk and Hillsborough counties, since 1992.

Helping Hand Nursing Services works with doctors, nursing homes, home health care agencies, and hospitals in a combined effort to keep senior citizens, recovering persons or disabled patients in the comfort of their own homes or familiar environment. Helping hands in home care- Ragweed Pollen May Be Worse This Fall – How to Deal with Allergies - Helping Hand Nursing Services. The crazy weather the country has been experiencing lately has caused an increase in ragweed pollen in the air. Experts say that the higher temperatures combined with heavy rainfall is to blame. Ragweed is a kind of flowering weed that is among the plants responsible for causing hay fever, which occurs in about 23 million people in the United States.

Allergists say that the amount of ragweed pollen in the air has been getting worse every year for the last couple of years. Elder Care Mulberry FL – Ragweed Pollen May Be Worse This Fall – How to Deal with Allergies If your aging relative suffers from hay fever, knowing how to help them with allergy symptoms could make this fall a little easier. Avoid Triggers The Mayo Clinic recommends taking the following steps to reduce or avoid exposure to things that can trigger seasonal allergies: Don’t go outside when it is dry and windy. Most of the time local weather forecasts will include information about the pollen count. Sources: