Call Disability Help Group Now, 800-700-0652. Filing for SSDI Benefits.
SSDI requires that your medical conditions prevent you from working for at least 12 months. SSDI is available to individuals who have worked a certain number of years and paid into the Social Security system. Under SSDI, You must be between the ages of 18 and 65 years old andYou have earned a certain amount of “work credits.” Work credits Each year that you work and pay into Social Security, you earn work credits. Application process The initial SSDI application requires a lot of paperwork. What information is necessary for filing SSDI? Most importantly, you must provide your doctors’ information and work history. For : Medical review Once Social Security processes your application, they will make a medical decision.
Residual Functional Capacity (RFC) Your RFC includes both physical and mental limitations. Filing for SSDI: medical evidence Your medical evidence should include records only for the period of time that you became disabled and unable to work. Blue Water Veterans Get Agent Orange Benefits. Blue Water Veterans get Agent Orange Benefits as of January 1, 2020, when the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2019 took effect.
What is Agent Orange? During the Vietnam War, the U.S. military used herbicides such as Agent Orange to clear trees and plants. The military sprayed Agent Orange by aircraft, trucks, and hand-sprayers. As a result, the spraying contaminated the food crops and water sources of both enemy combatants and nearby civilians. Unfortunately, our own troops have suffered the most of the collateral damage from Agent Orange use. Dioxin One of the most toxic byproducts of Agent Orange is called dioxin, which is a highly-persistent chemical compound that lasts for many years in the environment. Many health problems related to Agent Orange do not arise until years after service. Blue Water Veterans previously did not get Agent Orange presumption Which Navy ships were likely exposed to Agent Orange?
Can I Work and Get TDIU? Can I Work and Get TDIU?
Many veterans are unable to support themselves because of service-connected disabilities. Congress decided to take care of these veterans with a special benefit called TDIU. Also known as Unemployability, TDIU pays the same monthly amount as a 100% disability rating. Under 2019 rates, VA will pay TDIU recipients a minimum of $3,057.13 per month tax free. The whole point of TDIU is to compensate veterans who cannot maintain a full-time job due to service-connected disabilities. TDIU v Unemployed The terms “Unemployability” and “Unemployed” look and sound alike, many veterans assume that cannot work to get TDIU. Amount You Can Earn VA will grant TDIU to a veteran that works if the employment is considered “marginal.” 38 C.F.R. § 4.16(a).
Sheltered Work Environment Regardless of your income, you may still be eligible for TDIU if you work in a sheltered environment. Example: Difficult TDIU Work Case Example: Good TDIU Work Case. Can a Veteran Receive Both VA and Social Security Benefits? What Evidence Do I Need for SSDI? What Evidence Do I Need for SSDI?
Social Security pays SSDI benefits when you have a medical condition or combination of conditions that prevent you from working. Your medical impairments must keep you from working for at least 12 months. Additionally, you must have worked for a certain number of years. Generally, you need to have worked for at least 5 out of the last 10 years. Social Security requires certain evidence to support your SSDI claim. Can a Disabled Veteran Receive SSDI? Call Disability Help Group Now. Can a Disabled Veteran Receive SSDI?
Disability Help Group, Call Now 800-700-0652. Blue Water Navy Veterans can now take advantage of the Agent Orange Act of 1991.
Why is Agent Orange a Presumed VA Disability? During the Vietnam War, the U.S. military used herbicides such as Agent Orange to clear trees and plants. Due to the toxicity and inherent danger of the herbicides, the Agent Orange Act of 1991 was passed, whereby certain diseases are presumed to be related to in-service exposure to herbicides (including Agent Orange). For over 20 years after the Agent Orange Act, VA split disabled Vietnam veterans into 2 distinct groups: Those who either set foot in Vietnam or served on boats patrolling inland waterways (also known as “Brown Water”), andThose who served on ships off the coast of Vietnam (also known as “Blue Water” veterans).
Veterans Disability Archives - Disability Help Group. VA Disability Compensation Rates 2020 increased about 1.6% from 2019. VA Disability Compensation Rates 2020 increased about 1.6% from 2019 rates.
If the VA decides that a veteran’s disability is related to service, it must then assign a rating percentage. By law, VA may assign rating of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% and 100%. These percentages guide the precise dollar amount VA must pay to a disabled veteran. Individual v. Combined Ratings, VA Disability Compensation Rates 2020 Combined VA Disability Compensation Rates 2020 A 100% disability compensation rating is the maximum permitted by law.