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Facebook Twitter Maegan: * Pearl &Ribbon Accordion Necklace DIY * Fashion+Home+Lifestyle Blog. * 1″ Ivory Bark Ribbon {about 2-1/2 yards} …glam it up for Fall with velvet ribbon! Maegan: * Pearl &Ribbon Accordion Necklace DIY * Fashion+Home+Lifestyle Blog

* Large Pearls* Needle/Gutermann Thread {Eggshell} * Snip pearl string for loose pearls * Begin about 1/4 way down the ribbon – pinch and thread needle through it * Thread loose pearl onto needle, then fold ribbon, thread needle through then add another loose pearl. * Continue until you reach desired length. . * When you reach desired length, reinforce the pearls by threading the needle back through the entire length of the pearls/ribbon. Secrets of DIY Mastery - Woven Chain Bracelet. Mystic Garden. When I look at this necklace I dream of a magical place, a garden lush with green plants, a creek with a small waterfall, a walk in the forest.... no worries in the world.

Mystic Garden

The color green symbolizes nature and the natural world, and it is thought to relieve stress and help heal. Henry HappenedHenry Happened. Make an Anthropologie-Inspired Bead and Chain Necklace. Home » $1 and Free, Accessories, Fashion, Headline, Tutorials, Wearable Crafts 25 April 2011 35,139 views 15 Comments by rhonda When it comes to things I need to destash, costume jewelry is pretty high on the list. Tutorial: Washer Statement Necklace. Home » $1 and Free, Accessories, Fashion, Headline, Tutorials, Wearable Crafts 27 July 2012 12,102 views 5 Comments by sisters4 Ok people lets be super honest... this high impact statement necklace takes kind of a while to put together.

Tutorial: Washer Statement Necklace

It's not difficult, but depending on the design you choose it can be tedious. Make a Paperclip Statement Necklace. Home » $1 and Free, Accessories, Fashion, Headline, Tutorials, Wearable Crafts 6 March 2012 17,829 views 13 Comments.

Make a Paperclip Statement Necklace

A Splendid Assemblage: DIY : Bronze & Turquoise Link Bracelet. Bronze and turquoise is a favorite summer color combination and quite diachronic at that, especially in jewelry.

A Splendid Assemblage: DIY : Bronze & Turquoise Link Bracelet



I've made a few friendship bracelets this summer. I'd say I'm an expert. When I get tired of making a certain one, I try to tweak it a little just to change it up! On this bracelet I doubled the string to make the bracelet way bigger. Needless to say, this is one that I did a few weeks ago and I love it! To make this bracelet you will need choose six different colors and cut four strings of each. Tie all of the strings into one knot about 3 inches from the end of the string. Take the outside color group on the left side- in this case it's 2 strings of red- and make the shape of a "4" over the string right next to it (turquoise). DIY Braided Bead Necklace - Makeup and Macaroons. DIY — bracelet made from braided beads.

I came across this tutorial from ECAB that demonstrates how to make a braided bead necklace and I knew instantly that was going to be my next project.

DIY — bracelet made from braided beads

I have modified the instructions a bit to make a braided bead bracelet. I will show you pictures from my bracelet making process and give brief instructions. Please click the link above to go on over to ECAB for the full tutorial. Slave Bracelet. Lovely leaves. Being a camp counselor this summer at a non arts camps has resurfaced the truth about my skills when it comes to sports.

lovely leaves.

I can't play them. Any of them. I'm the counselor that gets help from a ten year old when it comes to learning my forehand in tennis. I'll tell you what I am good at, though: friendship bracelets. I have no problem frolicking around the campgrounds sporting my handiwork. "Danie, how did you make that?! " "Knots, children. Braided Bead Necklace: DIY. I have recently received quite a few requests for river rock necklaces to accompany the earrings I make.

Braided Bead Necklace: DIY

I wanted to make something that could be dressed up or down, so decided to go with a Bohemian braided bead necklace and bracelet. DIY Macrame Bracelet - Honestly WTF. Growing up by the beach in Southern California, the ability to knot a macrame bracelet was practically a right of passage.

DIY Macrame Bracelet - Honestly WTF

Although those days are long behind us, we’ve never forgotten the ever-so-simple square knot technique. This time, however, we’re replacing hemp and wooden beads for more updated elements like colorful nylon cord and glossy metal charms. Happy knotting! You’ll need: Start by cutting the knotting cord into two 30 inch, two 20 inch and one 10 inch lengths. Center the 30 inch cord under the two middle strands. Pull tightly and slide the knot up to the top. Finish the 2nd half of the square knot by folding the left cord over the middle strands and under the right cord. Pull tightly and repeat the steps – left, right, left, right . . . To finish the knots, thread one of the cords onto a needle and sew up the center of 3-4 knots along the backside. Fringe Bracelet Friendship Bracelet Tutorial. <div class="warningBox">Turn on JavaScript in your browser settings for the best experience of</div> Added By: love4cats Difficulty: 1 Views: 42689 Materials: - clipboard - binder clip - 40 or more 9inch strings (assorted colors) - 5 to 10 background strings (won't be seen) - scissors 1. 3. 4. 5. 6.