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Accounting Trends to Watch Out For in 2020 and Beyond. From manual bookkeeping with cash registers to tap and click on mobile devices, accounting has come a long way.

Accounting Trends to Watch Out For in 2020 and Beyond

New trends are constantly emerging that are paving the way for the future. In this article, we’ll look at nine accounting trends that will shape the accounting industry in 2020 and beyond. 1. Accounting Automation This comes as no surprise. Traditional accounting has always been a cumbersome, paper-based, and time-consuming task. Besides, human involvement also increases the risk of accounting errors. 2. Technology has played a pivotal role in revolutionizing the accounting sector. 3. Accounting software solutions have been out for a while, 1978, to be exact when Visicalc launched the first spreadsheet software. But now, with cloud technology redefining business operations, accounting software vendors are also embracing the trend.

Invoice Software vs. Invoice Templates: Which One To Choose and Why? If you’re a business owner, you probably already understand the value of efficient invoicing.

Invoice Software vs. Invoice Templates: Which One To Choose and Why?

Creating accurate invoices and sending them to clients in the least possible time can skyrocket your chances of getting paid on time. An article from Due showed that a lack of clarity in invoices is a major cause of delayed invoice payments. To overcome this hurdle, you can seek digital solutions, like free professional invoice templates or online invoicing software for enterprises. But which one is better, and why? Let’s find out. What is an Invoicing Template? How to Overcome the Never-Ending Issue of Late Payments? Business owners and late payments is not a new story.

How to Overcome the Never-Ending Issue of Late Payments?

For years, SMEs have struggled to get their clients and customers to pay on time. Late payments can be detrimental to business and can even lead a company to shut down. But with the latest online invoicing software for enterprises available, the late payment culture is finally coming to an end. Today, we’ll discuss the culture of late payments, how it affects businesses, and how to combat it efficiently. The Culture of Late Payments Late payments have always been a common issue in B2B transactions. Overdue payments in North America have increased exponentially over the past year – 25% from 2019 to 43% in 2020. The late payment culture is more deficient in the Asia Pacific region. Definitive Guide to Selecting the Right Payroll Solution. Payroll management is one of the fundamental aspects of running a business.

Definitive Guide to Selecting the Right Payroll Solution

Happy employees, accurate tax filing, and regulatory compliance all boil down to efficient payroll operations. However, payroll management has always been a tedious task, involving a lot of paperwork and repetitive procedures. Moon Invoice v/s Bookipi – Which Solution will work the best for your Business? There is no second opinion that if a business wants to enjoy a hassle-free and absolutely accurate billing facility then it has to bank upon a recurring billing and invoice system.

Moon Invoice v/s Bookipi – Which Solution will work the best for your Business?

The automation and accuracy that this tool will bring into one’s billing system are impossible otherwise. The worth of online billing software is evident and has been admitted by the whole world. This is why we have tons of options in the market. If you’re in a fix to choose between Moon Invoice and Bookipi then this post will help you make a wise choice. Create Brand Reputation With A Good Contractor Invoice. Among the few businesses where the payment defaults and delays are common, the contractor business is on the top.

Create Brand Reputation With A Good Contractor Invoice

Do you know that you can improve the payment speed and reliability by altering your invoice style? Are you willing to improve the business cash flow? Moon Invoice: Sales Order Vs Invoice – Learn the Difference and Efficient Usage. Sales order and invoice, these two words you must have heard zillion times if you work in the accounting department of a company, in any online accounting software or otherwise.

Moon Invoice: Sales Order Vs Invoice – Learn the Difference and Efficient Usage

Though these words are very common, very few people know what exactly the meaning is and how they both are different from each other. Well, we’re going to clear the air and talk about the key differences between sales order and invoice. Also, we will talk about ways to manage them efficiently with the help of automatic billing software. So, let’s get started. What is the sales order? A sales order is documented generated by a supplier or business provider confirming the supply of the goods/services/products requested by the buyer or the customer. The sales order contains details like the total price of the goods, quantities of goods/services purchased, mode of payment, the amount paid or balance amount, and product/service delivery date. Try These Low-Cost Business Ideas for Quick Profits. Starting a business has never been easier.

Try These Low-Cost Business Ideas for Quick Profits

With technology advancing and COVID-19 significantly impacting consumer behavior, there are a plethora of new opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs. However, not all businesses are the same. They differ in terms of startup cost, business model, and profitability. Today, we’ll discuss some low-cost business ideas that can help you generate quick and consistent profits. Let’s dive in. Best FreshBooks Alternative For Your Accounting Business - Moon Invoice. Best Wave Alternative For Your Accounting Business - Moon Invoice. Best Invoice Simple Alternative For Your Accounting Business - Moon Invoice. Best Invoice2go Alternative For Your Accounting Business - Moon Invoice. Best Billing & Invoice Software for Windows 10 - Moon Invoice. Free Online Invoice Generator App for Android - Moon Invoice. Download The Best Invoicing Software for Mac - Moon Invoice. Free Invoice & Billing App for iOS - Moon Invoice. Top Billing & Invoicing Software For Enterprises - Moon Invoice.