Helen Foundation
The Helen Foundation offers weekly seminars on pain-relief and Microdose Therapy. Dr. Stenberg is the author of “Arthritis. He was Editor of Proceedings of the North Dakota Academy of Sciences. He presented invited lectures: Australia, Canada, France, India, Japan, Mexico, and Switzerland. Helen Foundation Recommends Microdose Therapy TM as Superior and Safe for Cortisone-responding Diseases.
General theory of inflammation AT The Helen Foundation. The inflammation control system of the body terminates acute inflammation at its due time.
In normal operation, an inflammation-initiating event causes acute inflammation to occur which in turn activates the hypothalamus-pitutiary-adrenal (HPA) axis to make an approximate 12-fold, 4-hour, hydrocortisone surge concentration in the blood (surge). This surge then terminates the very inflammation that activated the HPA axis in the first place much as an electrical switch turns off a light. As the surge weakens with age, injury, and heredity, acute inflammation evolves into chronic inflammation proportionately while being manifested as bad days (flares) for patients. Resolution of chronic inflammation The solution is teaching patients to ingest hydrocortisone tablets on the bad days and not on the good ones to manually restore the pulse to its effective concentration in the blood. General theory of inflammation AT The Helen Foundation. The inflammation control system of the body terminates acute inflammation at its due time.
In normal operation, an inflammation-initiating event causes acute inflammation to occur which in turn activates the hypothalamus-pitutiary-adrenal (HPA) axis to make an approximate 12-fold, 4-hour, hydrocortisone surge concentration in the blood (surge). This surge then terminates the very inflammation that activated the HPA axis in the first place much as an electrical switch turns off a light. As the surge weakens with age, injury, and heredity, acute inflammation evolves into chronic inflammation proportionately while being manifested as bad days (flares) for patients. Resolution of chronic inflammation. The Helen Foundation: General theory of inflammation. General theory of inflammation AT The Helen Foundation. The Helen Foundation: Chronic Pain Breakthrough. When Helen Stenberg, who suffered extreme pain from rheumatoid arthritis, began to self-administer cortisol, she found pain relief in three weeks and has remained pain-free for more than 25 years.
Her recovery is nothing short of miraculous. Now her husband, Dr.Virgil Stenberg, shares this remarkable cure at a foundation named in her honor, “The Helen Foundation.” When Helen was first diagnosed with arthritis she saw countless doctors and tried numerous treatments, undergoing multiple surgeries, but nothing helped alleviate the pain. The Helen Foundation: Chronic Pain Breakthrough. The Helen Foundation: Chronic Pain Breakthrough. When Helen Stenberg, who suffered extreme pain from rheumatoid arthritis, began to self-administer cortisol, she found pain relief in three weeks and has remained pain-free for more than 25 years.
Her recovery is nothing short of miraculous. Now her husband, Dr.Virgil Stenberg, shares this remarkable cure at a foundation named in her honor, “The Helen Foundation.” When Helen was first diagnosed with arthritis she saw countless doctors and tried numerous treatments, undergoing multiple surgeries, but nothing helped alleviate the pain. The Helen Foundation: Chronic Pain Breakthrough. The Helen Foundation: Chronic Pain Breakthrough. The Helen Foundation: Chronic Pain Breakthrough. The Helen Foundation: Chronic Pain Breakthrough When Helen Stenberg, who suffered extreme pain from rheumatoid arthritis, began to self-administer cortisol, she found pain relief in three weeks and has remained pain-free for more than 25 years.
Her recovery is nothing short of miraculous. Now her husband, Dr.Virgil Stenberg, shares this remarkable cure at a foundation named in her honor, “The Helen Foundation.” When Helen was first diagnosed with arthritis she saw countless doctors and tried numerous treatments, undergoing multiple surgeries, but nothing helped alleviate the pain. Her husband, Stenberg was determined to help her. The Helen Foundation: Chronic Pain Breakthrough. When Helen Stenberg, who suffered extreme pain from rheumatoid arthritis, began to self-administer cortisol, she found pain relief in three weeks and has remained pain-free for more than 25 years.
Her recovery is nothing short of miraculous. Now her husband, Dr.Virgil Stenberg, shares this remarkable cure at a foundation named in her honor, “The Helen Foundation.” The Helen Foundation: Chronic Pain Breakthrough. The Helen Foundation: Chronic Pain Breakthrough. The Helen Foundation: Chronic Pain Breakthrough. When Helen Stenberg, who suffered extreme pain from rheumatoid arthritis, began to self-administer cortisol, she found pain relief in three weeks and has remained pain-free for more than 25 years.
Her recovery is nothing short of miraculous. Now her husband, Dr.Virgil Stenberg, shares this remarkable cure at a foundation named in her honor, “The Helen Foundation.” The Helen Foundation: Chronic Pain Breakthrough. The Helen Foundation: Chronic Pain Breakthrough.