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Al Jazeera launches standalone online video service. Al Jazeera quietly launched its digital video news channel Al Jazeera + on Friday.

Al Jazeera launches standalone online video service

Dubbed "AJ+" for short, the service seems to be cut from the same cloth as other video startups like NowThis News and Vice News. A handful of clips posted to its YouTube channel Friday give a taste of what is to come, with explainers, like "Boko Haram Explained," mixed in with videos designed for social sharing like "4 Ways Brazil Is Losing the World Cup. " "Do you like videos of cats, makeup tutorials and bloopers? " ‘Tonight’ Starts Well, on YouTube and on TV.

Online video and the (not quite) death of TV. The annual Digital Content NewFronts— the online cousin of the upfronts marketplace where TV networks show off the fall season lineup to media buyers—have become an established marketplace, a sign that online video has matured into a channel of its own.

Online video and the (not quite) death of TV

In fact, many of the faces at NewFronts presentations held over the last two weeks were repeat visitors from last year: Sarah Jessica Parker and Nicole Richie were among the celebrities plugging the “second season” of their programs, and many executives focused on how the numbers of views and time spent continue to trend upward. “We’re at a critical moment for video consumption,” said Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer. A study released by the Internet Advertising Bureau found professional video made for online distribution has an audience of 52 million adults a month, up 15 percent over 2013. The audience for made-for-online video has overtaken TV news and daytime programming, according to the IAB’s survey. YouTube, nouveau meilleur ami des chaînes de télévision. Le | • Mis à jour le | Par Guillaume Dimitri (directeur des pôles médias et distribution au cabinet de conseil Vertone) Personne ne peut dire ce que sera la télévision de demain.

YouTube, nouveau meilleur ami des chaînes de télévision

Ce qui est certain, c'est qu'elle aura un, voire deux pieds dans le digital. YouTube, nouveau meilleur ami des chaînes de télévision. BBC to launch Guerrilla unit. March 25, 2014 The BBC is to create a new Birmingham-based digital innovation unit called the Guerrilla Group to explore next-generation content.

BBC to launch Guerrilla unit

A team of content creators and engineers will work across the BBC with a remit to engage younger, more diverse audiences, with the expectation that the unit will be fully up and running from 2015. According to the BBC, the new unit will have the creative freedom to produce experimental new forms of content for programmes and services, using the technology and approaches of the future. The Guerrilla Group will work with the BBC’s R&D department, Connected Studio, BBC brands and audience members, as well as partnering and collaborating with a range of organisations, start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises, according to the BBC.

The BBC said it is working together with Birmingham’s Creative City Partnership to enable the group to sit alongside SMEs drawn from the city’s creative community. Ariel - Guerrilla Group gets the go-ahead in Birmingham. 26 March 2014Last updated at 09:36 The BBC has announced a new digital innovation unit that will focus on finding the 'next generation' of content that can appeal to young and diverse audiences.

Ariel - Guerrilla Group gets the go-ahead in Birmingham

The Guerrilla Group will be based in Birmingham, at Fazeley Studios in Digbeth, and will be made up of a team of storytellers and engineers. The new team will act as a source of digital creativity at the BBC, collaborating with the likes of R&D and the Connected Studio. Notes on TV. One of the reasons it's difficult to talk about the future of TV is there are really several separate sets of issues that are in play, which are pretty much self-contained, and depend on quite different factors, and all of which need to move before things can change.

Notes on TV

The US problem First, the USA is a massively over-served Pay TV market. Rethinking TV news, Part I: What's broken, what's possible. Most TV news sucks.

Rethinking TV news, Part I: What's broken, what's possible

But I don’t want to dwell on that. I’d like to see TV news be reinvented, yet I’m astounded so little innovation is occurring in the medium. That could be because TV news is in better financial shape than print (for now). It could be because in a highly competitive market, no one wants to leave the pack and risk failure trying something new. Rethinking TV news part II: Experiments with forms and models. Allow me to speculate on new forms and models for TV news after Part I of this post looked at what’s broken and what’s possible.

Rethinking TV news part II: Experiments with forms and models

TV with many eyes: First, a tale… Roger Ailes’ brilliance at Fox News was economic, not political. He realized that chatting about the news rather than gathering it would get higher ratings at a far lower cost. Just one weakness: The Fox folk need someone to chat with. I know because I used to work a block away and was often called in at a moment’s notice to blather, but when the guest they really wanted arrived, they gave me the bum’s rush. France Télévisions et le JT permanent. France Télévisions a présenté jeudi un "JT permanent", offre d'information à la demande, personnalisée et en temps réel mêlant sujets des rédactions, extraits de magazines et du web, qui est disponible pour le moment sur certaines télévisions connectées à internet.

France Télévisions et le JT permanent

Produit et mis en forme par la rédaction de FranceTVinfo, la plate-forme internet d'information du groupe dotée de 35 journalistes, ce JT permanent se veut en "rupture" avec les autres offres d'information en continu en télévision en "donnant les clés aux téléspectateurs", explique le groupe audiovisuel public. Al Jazeera is staffing up for the launch of its AJ+ online video news network. EY-FutureofTV. TV of Tomorrow : en attendant la disruption. Par Guy St-Onge, Chef du Groupe de la veille stratégique, Radio-Canada Le 11 décembre dernier se tenait l'édition new-yorkaise de TV of Tomorrow, devant environ 500 représentants de l'industrie.

TV of Tomorrow : en attendant la disruption

L'événement est organisé par le groupe Interactive TV Today, qui édite le site de référence sur l'industrie de la télé multiplateforme et interactive,