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Energies vertes / Green energies

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How does energy efficiency create jobs? This post was written by Casey Bell, senior economic analyst at the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy and a contributing author at the ACEEE blog. With unemployment hovering at a stubborn 9 percent, it is no wonder that job creation has become a hot topic.

It is nearly impossible to read the news without encountering an article describing how a policy or industry creates a given number of jobs. Often, job creation is used as a justification for public sector investment in a program, policy, institution, or project. You may also see numbers from the energy industry proclaiming the ways their particular resource creates jobs. These claims, however, rarely or clearly explain how job creation assessments are carried out and what the jobs numbers actually mean.

For many years, ACEEE has done analyses and written reports on the role of energy efficiency in creating jobs. Net jobs vs. gross jobs How does energy efficiency impact employment and create jobs?

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Géothermie. Énergie solaire. Eolien. Mobylette electrique‬‏ Energies Renouvelables. Energies Renouvelables. Observ'ER - l'observatoire des énergies renouvelables.