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3 Steps To Create A Student-Centered Environment

12 october 2017

3 Steps To Create A Student-Centered Environment

Person-centered learning ("student-centered learning" or "learner first") is a system in which a student becomes an equally active participant in the educational process. The primary goal of this approach is not the mastering of the curriculum, but the development of the pupils' capacity for education engaging edubirdie in the process. The pupil is provided with an active position to independently manage their training: to formulate goals, plan tasks, set evaluation principles, and so on.

In the 1990s and 2000s, many studies were conducted on the results of the application of teaching methods, in which emphasis was placed on the independence of students in obtaining knowledge. So, in 1999 the British Medical Journal published the results of the analysis of the problem method use in training of physicians. Students showed an unusually high level of mastering practical skills and comprehending theoretical knowledge. Other studies demonstrate that pupils in schools with a realized personality-oriented approach prove the effectiveness of their education far beyond the boundaries of schools.

How can a modern educator create a student-centered environment?

1. Apply technical capabilities

Modern digital technologies make it possible to compile an individual curriculum for each child, conduct individual performance statistics, make the classes more apprehensible and establish effective communication among all participants in the process. All this requires a certain technical support.

This can be done without additional financial expenditure, as teachers can manage their personal blogs or web pages, where they can present training materials and maintain communication with all the students.

2. Use human resources to implement your ideas wisely

It is not that necessary for the entire school team to adjust to personal-oriented curriculum immediately. It is enough to engage a few teachers who are ready to experiment and have a good reputation among colleagues. They will transfuse their enthusiasms into other colleagues.

Also, you can engage older students who already have enough knowledge and skills to play an active role in the learning process. Students with an active life position and leadership qualities will be happy if you impart the initiative with them.

3. Decide on what you expect

You may aspire to expansion in students' autonomy in dealing with certain issues or improvement of academic performance or development of deep understanding of topics. Ensure that all parties equally understand these expectations and agree with them. The realization of a person-centered approach depends on many factors, and one should bear in mind that there is no single model that is certainly right for everyone.

Short-term courses, conferences, training - all this will help to master new methods of teaching and, change the approach to education in general.

The integral element in creating a student-centered environment is peaceful and favorable for studying atmosphere. To arouse interests in pupils and boost their self-confidence you have to make them feel comfortable and needed. To achieve this try to make the classroom cozy place to study and stay in. Ask administration about armchairs and lovely curtains. Engage kids in decorating the classroom for holidays: this can bring so much fun! Together you can make paper pumpkins for fall or snowflakes for winter holidays and enhance the place where you spend half of the day. This will facilitate the introduction of personality-oriented approach in your educational institution.