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Vegetariskt & Potatis & Pasta

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Creamy Pesto Pasta Salad. Sweet sun dried tomatoes, fresh pesto, luscious Greek yogurt are tossed with pasta to create a salad that is so scrumptious, it may just become a favorite.

Creamy Pesto Pasta Salad

A classic pesto, made with fresh basil leaves, Parmesan cheese, and pine nuts blends with yogurt to coat the pasta perfectly. Creamy Pesto Pasta Salad can be made ahead and taken to lunch, or served as a side with a dinner entrée, such as: Delicious Blackened Sockeye SalmonBaked Parmesan ChickenJuicy Faux Fried ChickenBarbecue Grilled Chicken Breasts Yields: 8.5 | Serving Size: 1 cup | Calories: 190 | Total Fat: 13 g | Saturated Fat: 2 g | Trans Fat: 0 g | Cholesterol: 5 | Carbohydrates:14 g | Sodium: 97 mg | Dietary Fiber: 2 g | Sugars: 3 g | Protein: 5 g | SmartPoints: 6 Ingredients Directions Cook pasta according to package directions, drain, rinse with cold water and chill.

Tip: When chopping sun-dried tomatoes, discard the ends which tend to be tough. Copyright 2012 Skinny Ms. ® All rights reserved. Grilled Potatoes. Guilt-free crispy grilled "fries" made right outside on the grill!

Grilled Potatoes

When the weather gets hot in New York, I like to take the cooking outside. Grilling is usually my husband's job, but lately I've been having fun exploring the many things you can make outside on the grill all on my own, it's really not that hard! Take these fries, who says you can't make fries outside on the grill? They turn out crispy and delicious without deep frying or heating up the kitchen and you can even grill your turkey burgers along side them. Yes, you can have your carbs, just have them in moderation. PS- You can find the crinkle cutter on Amazon!

Grilled Brussels Sprouts with Whole Grain Mustard - Rosemarried - Rosemarried. We had two glorious days of spring in Portland this week.

Grilled Brussels Sprouts with Whole Grain Mustard - Rosemarried - Rosemarried

It was sunny and 65 degrees in Portland and the streets were flooded with pasty white hipsters. I joined with my fellow pasty-skinned Portlanders and reveled in the sunshine. I even left work early on Thursday, just to soak in a little extra sun. On a whim, the husband and I decided to invite a few people over for dinner that evening. We BBQed. And while we knew in our hearts that the sun wasn’t here to stay, we made the best of it while we could. It was perfect. And here we are, 3 days later. But you know what? When those days arrive, you can be sure I’ll be grilling up some Brussels Sprouts. GRILLED BRUSSELS SPROUTS WITH WHOLE GRAIN MUSTARD Adapted from Serious Eats Note (1): If it’s still cold and miserable where you live and you don’t feel like BBQing, these Brussels sprouts could easily be cooked on a grill pan on the stove.

Lemon Garlic Brussels Sprouts. Brussels Sprouts were always an off limits food for me up until a few months ago.

Lemon Garlic Brussels Sprouts

I had never tried them and they always get such a bad reputation amongst many of my friends. Recently my boyfriend and I were out to dinner and he ordered a side of these. The Best Way to Cook Zucchini and Carrots. One of my greatest joys in life is making vegetables taste good to other people.

The Best Way to Cook Zucchini and Carrots

When someone is especially excited about a tasty piece of zucchini I made, I am a happy girl. You’re already rolling your eyes I know, but stay with me. Nudlar med krispiga grönsaker och cashewnötter. HuvudrättAsiatisk 4 port risnudlar Grönsaker 1 grön paprika 1/2 påse salladslök (à 125 g) 1 knippe rädisor 200 g rättika 2 morötter 1 1/2 msk olja Limedressing 1 lime 1/2 msk riven ingefära 2 tsk strösocker 1 vitlöksklyfta 2 msk soja 1 1/2 msk olja Nötter 70 g cashewnötter salt Close Bra att veta när du ändrar antalet portioner Detta recept är gjort för 4 portioner.

Nudlar med krispiga grönsaker och cashewnötter

Sätt på en kastrull med vatten till nudlarna.Grönsaker: Dela, kärna ur och strimla paprikan. För alla Rätten är fri från gluten, laktos, mjölkprotein och ägg. The not so delectable evening of eating healthy. Face it.

The not so delectable evening of eating healthy.

Most “healthy” meals are not “I crave” delicious. And none of “you get used to it after a while and you’ve adapted to a healthier lifestyle” shit. One never “craves” kale, carrot juice, squash, potatoes without butter, omelets without cheese, life without bread, pancakes without bacon, a DIET, and I could go on. 29 Things Vegetarians Can Make For Dinner That Aren't Pasta.