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Was ist Semantisches Tagging? « Jakoblog — Das Weblog von Jakob Voß. 26.

Was ist Semantisches Tagging? « Jakoblog — Das Weblog von Jakob Voß

Februar 2008 um 14:19 In Anschluß an den sehr fruchtbaren Workshop Social Tagging in der Wissensorganisation (Program und weitere Berichte von Mandy Schiefner, bei Joachim Wedekind und Johannes Moskaliuk) schreibe ich grade an einem Artikel über “Semantic Tagging”. Zemanta Brings a Semantic Layer to Your Blog - ReadWriteWeb. A new startup called Zemanta launched in alpha mode today.

Zemanta Brings a Semantic Layer to Your Blog - ReadWriteWeb

The service integrates with blogging platforms like Wordpress, Blogger, and Typepad to suggest pictures, links, articles, and tags related to your blog postings. Using proprietary natural language processing and semantic algorithms, Zemanta compares the words in a blog post to their pre-indexed database of other content in order to suggest related items which will display next to your blog post. The articles Zemanta suggests come from 300 or so "top media sources" as well as the other blogs of Zemanta users. The images suggested come from Wikimedia Commons, flickr, and stock photo providers like Shutterstock and Fotolia. Zemanta also pays close attention to copyright, making sure that suggested content is licensed as Creative Commons or approved by stock providers, so you won't get into trouble by using Zemanta's service.