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Advice. Writing for the web – tips « Adam's WebLearn Blog. I attended Stephen Sangar’s excellent session at the recent UAS conference and made some notes.

Writing for the web – tips « Adam's WebLearn Blog

I thought it may be useful to post them here: use a meaningful title in the page headBegin with an introduction AND summary. Moreover, put the conclusion at the start of the documentuse correctly nested h1 .. h6 headings; users of screen readers will jump from heading to heading to find what they are looking for.use short paragraphs – they’re easier to readif the document is split over multiple pages always put (say) page 3 of 5use meaningful text for hyperlinks, never use “next”, “previous” or “click here”use the title= attribute for hyperlinksput links at the end of a paragraph (or even at the end of a document) otherwise people read a few words then click on a link and never return to your page.identify keywords before you start hen use these words a few times, this will help with search engine ranking.