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Webisode. Screenwriting Basics – The Script Lab. It's funny what a person remembers: crying in my cinder block basement after my sixth grade girlfriend dumped me, only to be fully recovered a few hours later while reaching the coveted eighth world of Super Mario Brothers, smugly saluting a local news crew while competing in the 1987 National Lego Competition at FAO Schwarz on 5th Avenue, or leaving my college dorm room in tears and sprinting to the shores of Lake Michigan to literally vomit in grief over the death of my childhood dog, poor old Flash.

Screenwriting Basics – The Script Lab

You might be wondering what a few personal moments of rejection, hubris, and loss have to do with screenwriting? Well, I'd like to think everything. We've all been there at one point. You’ve written your screenplay, you think is simply amazing. The truth is that the construction of a good screenplay is something quite complicated and difficult. Writers University: Screenwriting Basics. Share More! Wiki » Work/Podcastingscript? Smart backup for all your web projects.