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Web ohne Barrieren - Barrierefreiheit des Lernmanagementsystems moodle - Darstellung der Testergebnisse. Non-standard Moodle. Richtlinien für barrierefreie Webinhalte (WCAG) 2.0 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0) Abkürzung (abbreviation) Kurzform eines Wortes, einer Phrase oder eines Namens, wobei die Abkürzung nicht Teil der Sprache geworden ist Anmerkung 1: Dies beinhaltet Initialworte und Akronyme, wobei: Initialworte Kurzformen eines Namens oder eine Phrase sind, gebildet aus den Anfangsbuchstaben oder Silben, die in dem Namen oder der Phrase vorkommen Anmerkung 1: Nicht in allen Sprachen definiert.

Richtlinien für barrierefreie Webinhalte (WCAG) 2.0 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0)

Beispiel 1: SNCF ist ein französisches Initialwort, gebildet aus den Anfangsbuchstaben der Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer, der französischen nationalen Eisenbahn. Kurs: BLIND Treffpunkt für Interessierte. Accessible Software Guidelines. The following list of application software guidelines include information useful for designing accessible software applications.

Accessible Software Guidelines

Several of the links below provide specific guidance on software accessibility, others provide general user interface design guidance. Apple Computer, Inc. RUN DIGITAL Startseite. AccessBlog - Nachrichten über Barrierefreies Webdesign: Einfach für Alle. 08 Mai 2013 Einfach für Alle – Digitale Barrierefreiheit für mobile Arbeits- und Lebenswelten Für Menschen mit Behinderung wird es besonders wichtig, auch am mobilen Web in vollem Umfang teilhaben zu können, denn dieses bietet ihnen an vielen Stellen persönlichen Zusatznutzen und Mehrwert für ein selbstbestimmtes Leben.

AccessBlog - Nachrichten über Barrierefreies Webdesign: Einfach für Alle

Die Aktion Mensch sieht daher einen großen Bedarf, den Blick auf die mobile Nutzung des Internets durch Menschen mit Beeinträchtigungen zu lenken und die Zugänglichkeit mobiler Anwendungen zu verbessern. Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) - home page. RTC Accessibility User Requirements (RAUR) Note Published RTC Accessibility User Requirements (RAUR) is published as a Working Group Note.

Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) - home page

Real-time communication (RTC) provides real-time peer to peer audio, video, and data exchange directly between supported user agents. This enables instantaneous applications for video and audio calls, text chat, file exchange, screen sharing, and gaming. RAUR describes various accessibility related user needs, requirements, and scenarios for real-time communication (RTC) applications.

These user needs should drive accessibility requirements in various related specifications and the overall architecture that enables RTC. Accesskeys: Unlocking Hidden Navigation. Who can use your website?

Accesskeys: Unlocking Hidden Navigation

People with limited mobility may have a hard time controlling a mouse to click on links, and tabbing through menus can be slow going. The W3C introduced the accesskey attribute to enable users to select the appropriate key on their keyboards and navigate to a particular link. Accesskeys can also be useful to people who have no trouble controlling the mouse and clicking on links. Experienced users of desktop applications learn to use keyboard short-cuts to save files, open new windows, or copy and paste text. Assigning accesskeys to menu items adds “Hot-Key” functions to a website, letting frequent users spend less time less time moving and clicking the mouse.

The first problem is that visitors to your website have no way of knowing that you’ve assigned accesskey attributes to your linked elements. Command and Control#section1. Using accesskey attribute in HTML forms and links. The accesskey attribute, aimed at making web pages more accessible e.g. to people with motoric disabilities, has proved out to be poorly designed and poorly implemented.

Using accesskey attribute in HTML forms and links

Although it is still endorsed by some recommendations, it tends to reduce accessibility rather than help people, though there are some special situations where it might improve useability. The original version of this document had a much more positive attitude to the accesskey attribute. Experience and analysis has shown, however, that the idea of author-defined shortcuts is generally not useful on the Web. Moreover, serious damage is often caused by the way in which the attribute has been implemented in browsers: it uses key combinations that override built-in functionality in browsers and other software. I have preserved the technical descriptions, however, since they might be of some use.

In HTML, one can use the accesskey attribute in forms and links. Why access keys? Order Browser support. Access Keys. Flexible. The Eleven Most Accessible Drupal 6 Themes. I've evaluated a lot of Drupal 6 themes for basic validation at this point.

The Eleven Most Accessible Drupal 6 Themes

There were 20 Drupal Themes which validated for xHTML 1.0 Strict and also for CSS 2.1. There were two warnings which seemed to hit almost all of the tested themes: Within the Navigation Bars Best Practices we got an warning on each theme tested because "each ol or ul element that appears to be a navigation bar or menu should be immediately preceded by a header element (h2..h6). " There may be an issue in styling the images as 22 of of the themes came back with a warning to "avoid using img elements for stylistic purposes such as separator bars or list bullets; use CSS instead. " Based on the image dimensions none seemed to be for bullets or separator bars so this may not be relevant.

March 9: Added clean theme to the list. However, those are relatively minor. TinyMCE WYSIWYG Editor. Web ohne Barrieren - Barrierefreiheit des Lernmanagementsystems moodle - Darstellung der Testergebnisse. Bereitstellung äquivalenter Alternativen für Audio- und visuelle Inhalte Alle grafischen Bedienelemente in Moodle verfügen über einen Alternativtext, ebenso wie alle anderen eingefügten Grafiken oder Objekte.

Web ohne Barrieren - Barrierefreiheit des Lernmanagementsystems moodle - Darstellung der Testergebnisse

Layoutgrafiken erhalten einen leeren Alternativtext. Problematisch ist der Alternativtext für die Nutzerfotos. Jedes Nutzerkonto kann mit einem Bild versehen werden. Dieses Bild wird dann beispielsweise bei jedem Forumsbeitrag angezeigt, der von einem Nutzer oder einer Nutzerin verfasst wird. Imagemaps sowie Audio und Video sind standardmäßig nicht enthalten. Verständlichkeit ohne Farbe. Keyboard shortcut utiilty. This project is being move to Keyboard Shortcut Utility because of a conflict with another core module in D7.

Keyboard shortcut utiilty

Quickly and easy create keyboard shortcuts on you website. You can create a shortcut to go to a page (internal or external) or call a Javascript function. Convert your site in a web application and do things faster using shortcuts.