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Disney Princesses In Accurate Period Costume. These are very beautiful drawings!

Disney Princesses In Accurate Period Costume

Although I am sad to see Belle looking so unlike herself. On a different note: I’d love to know what the reference was for the period costuming for each Princess. Given what I know about the stories, a lot of these seem a little inaccurate time period wise (I have no idea about the costumes other than that they look gorgeous): - As far as I know, the German “Snow White” was published in 1812 with the rest of the Grimm’s collected works; even her supposed ‘real’ influence lived in the 18th century.

Earlier versions do exist, but with very significant differences, since this the Disney (and thus, Grimm) version we’re talking about, it seems odd to use the style of a much earlier period. - In reference to another comment: women of the Powhatan nation usually wore kneelength skirts, but oftentimes did not wear shirts at all (although higher status women did use deerskin to cover up, so Pocahontas may have done so too) . Rare and Precious Moments of Animal Life. How interesting can animal life be is something which we can only guess.

Rare and Precious Moments of Animal Life

By looking these amazing photographs it seems that they have very funny and precious moments. Would you like to be monkey, or elephant, or maybe cat sometimes? Don’t worry if you do because this has happened all of us at least ones, for now enjoy these rare photos! Michał Dziekan. Illustrator and character designer Michal Dziekan was born and raised in small town in south-western Poland.

Michał Dziekan

He moved to city Wroclaw where he attended Architecture on University of Technology. After three years he left school and moved to Warsaw to work in post production studio Platige Image as a concept artist and matte painter. He stayed in Platige Image from 2007 to 2011, where working on animated commercials and films he got opportunity to gain experience in such fields as vfx compositing, motion graphics animation, animation direction and directing. During that time he was developing as an illustrator and character designer. - StumbleUpon. Tiny Media Empire. - StumbleUpon. - StumbleUpon. Day and Night in New York City Captured in Single Images [8 Pictures] - StumbleUpon. - StumbleUpon. - StumbleUpon. 55 incredible examples of photo manipulation - StumbleUpon. We present collection of 55 incredible examples of photo manipulation. Some of them... you may know already, but another ones... could be new for you. What I'm sure about... all of them are simply worth of your attention.

- StumbleUpon. StumbleUpon. Gandhi Bookstores: Alice. - StumbleUpon.


- StumbleUpon. 0b09f_Ytb9b-500x202.png (500×202) One Dead Tree (20 photos) - My Modern Metropolis - StumbleUpon. It's a familiar tale you hear all the time.

One Dead Tree (20 photos) - My Modern Metropolis - StumbleUpon

What starts out as an accident turns into something amazing. So it was for Kevin Day, a graphic designer who's created a beautiful and moving story about one dead tree. For over five years now, Day has been photographing the same tree on different days, through different seasons and in different lighting conditions. His most popular shot was taken one very early morning on August 18, 2005. He reminisces, it was "when the sun rose directly behind the tree from my best viewpoint and the early morning mist lingered and the dissipated at just the right moment, I couldn't take shots quick enough, the light was changing by the second and I could feel myself actually getting emotional and excited by taking photos of a dead tree!

" The unretouched photo, with the sun peeking through the tree's core, became his inspiration. Another one of his most popular photos he calls African Sunset. See the full set at Flickr.


Weird Pictures, Wonderful Things - StumbleUpon. This wonderful work has done by a very talented Belgian painter, illustrator, portraitist, caricaturist and photographer Ben Heine.

Weird Pictures, Wonderful Things - StumbleUpon

This creative artist was born in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. He Studied graphic arts and sculpture and I also have a degree in journalism. Lets take a look at some of his awesome works that he calls “Drawing Vs Photography” or “Imagination Vs Reality”. Awesome pictures from around the world. Someone sent me these in a chain email, it was horribly formatted.

Awesome pictures from around the world

I also do not know who made the comments, or how accurate they are. I take zero credit in the pictures, I just wanted to compile them nicely for all to see. The world’s highest chained carousel, located in Vienna, the height of 117 meters. Thor’s Well – “the gates of the dungeon.” CapePerpetua, Oregon. Emerald Lake in the crater of an extinct volcano. Restaurant on a cliff on the east coast of Zanzibar.Depending on the tide the restaurant can be reached both on foot and by boat. Office of Selgas Cano in Madrid Desert with Phacelia (Scorpion Weed). Balloons in Cappadocia, Turkey. Dubai. Jamie Beck e Kevin Burg - Cinemagraphs - fotografie in movimento.

Mucha. Dear Photograph - StumbleUpon. How Cereal Boxes Have Changed Over Time. It’s pretty crazy to see how graphic design shifts ever over time. From typography to the actual iconic images on our favorite cereals, there seems to be a pattern in advertising where they get bigger and bolder over time. 32 Pictures That Will Make You Say Awwwwwwww - StumbleUpon. Tim Shumate.