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5 Tips To Market Indie Game Apps On A Shoestring Budget. This is a guest article provided by Shruti Lele.

5 Tips To Market Indie Game Apps On A Shoestring Budget

The later part of the last decade saw herculean disruptions in the mobile technology space. With the launch of the first ever Apple iPhone in 2007 and subsequent launch of Android phones, the world of mobile technology was forever changed. Today, there are over a 1.5 Million number of apps in both the app stores combined and have together been downloaded over 160 Billion times. These numbers are indeed staggering and show the state of the mobile app ecosystem today. The era of the indie game gold rush According to Statistica, the top 5 Apple app store categories as of March 2015 were the following: It is evident that of all the apps in the app stores, game apps are the clear majority. Indie game developers are a special breed of app developers that are very innovative and passionate about gaming.

However the reality was a little bit different. What does this mean for the indie game developers? Marketing indie game apps on a shoestring budget. Software Analysis & Design Tools. Software analysis and design includes all activities, which help the transformation of requirement specification into implementation.

Software Analysis & Design Tools

Requirement specifications specify all functional and non-functional expectations from the software. These requirement specifications come in the shape of human readable and understandable documents, to which a computer has nothing to do. Software analysis and design is the intermediate stage, which helps human-readable requirements to be transformed into actual code. Let us see few analysis and design tools used by software designers: Data Flow Diagram. Zero Budget Indie Marketing Guide. Today’s game market is, by all accounts, saturated.

Zero Budget Indie Marketing Guide

There’s simply not enough time for people to play everything that’s on offer out there, even if everybody dedicated their lives to hunting out – and playing through – as many titles as humanly possible. Because today’s gamers are so spoilt for choice, it’s easy for new limelight seekers to be intimidated by the teeming throng of “play me!” Titles and quick fixes that constitute the marketing rat-race. In the worst case, a particularly shy indie dev may just upload a small demo, paste the link in a small corner of his/her personal blog, tentatively approach one or two friends and basically just stay put and hope that somebody with media clout walks by, shouts, “oh my word!”

And wakes up the digital neighbourhood for you. #1GAM: How to Succeed at Making One Game a Month. You can make a dozen games this year.

#1GAM: How to Succeed at Making One Game a Month

Sound impossible? It's not. Try this simple game development methodology from someone who has pulled it off and see for yourself that 12-in-12 is a reasonable goal. The McFunkypants Method I'm going to share with you my personal game development methodology. You see, in 2012 I achieved the lofty goal of creating 12 games in 12 months. So what was the difference? I'd like to share some of my tricks and tips with you here. Join us! Try using these tips in your next game project. Particle tests (15) 3D Music Visualizer - Full HD. Common Administrative Tasks: General. Using ctags in Vim. Using ctags and Vim is a lethal combination, especially when doing bigger projects.

Using ctags in Vim

Using them gives you the following features: Impressive class/function/method search Ability to go to the definition of a function with one click (even in dynamic languages like Python) Better overview by a module browser (where you can see classes and members) Getting started with Taglist Tag list opens a left window where you can browse the current file. It gives a nice overview. First download ctags. Sudo apt-get install exuberant-ctags After this, install the taglist.vim plugin, you can get it here. Now you need to configure taglist.vim, this can be done like this: let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = "/usr/bin/ctags" let Tlist_WinWidth = 50 map <F4> :TlistToggle<cr> Pressing F4 will toggle the taglist window on and off. For more options look in taglist.txt documentation, it comes when downloading taglist.vim. Search and destroy using tags. 85 Top Responsive Web Design Tools - Vimperator. As the mobile market continues to grow, demand for responsive website design intensifies.

85 Top Responsive Web Design Tools - Vimperator

This has introduced a new set of tools, 10 of which we've listed below, to help lay out, design, code and plan a responsive website. While some may overlap, each deserves a spot on the list; when combined, they can help you craft a website that provides an optimal viewing experience for users on all devices. (Along with each recommendation is a list of alternative tools that may be useful.) If you are a designer or developer, what are some of the indispensable tools in your responsive toolbox? Please share your recommendations with our readers in the comments, below. 1. Developed first as an internal tool that has now grown into a full-fledged product, Gridset lets web designers and developers design, prototype and build custom, responsive grid-based layouts for their projects. 2.

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