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Spiritual Warfare

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About William Schnoebelen. Bill Schnoebelen spent much of his life in a search for spiritual truth. Raised in a devout Catholic home, he determined to get all that God had for him through the Catholic church. At age 5, he decided to become a priest. However, between the changes of the Vatican II council and the hypocrisy of many of the clergy he encountered in college, he began to seek in other paths. Due partially to the influence of liberal professors at the minor seminary, he studied spiritualism, ESP and ultimately white witchcraft. From there, his spiritual path took some even stranger turns. Since witches believe that there really are no spiritual guidelines beyond the Wiccan Rede: "An it harm none, do what ye will. " Through much travel and also trance channeling, they came in contact with supposedly high "Spiritual Masters" (both physical and astral beings), who told them that different currents of power were necessary to totally fulfill them as authentic seekers on the Path of Wisdom.

Lucifer Dethroned - by William and Sharon Schnoebelen. Blood on the Doorposts - by William and Sharon Schnoebelen. Experience the Liberating Power of Jesus Christ! Salvation in Jesus Christ should bring joy and liberty to every Believer's life! Yet many suffer because they aren't taught what the Bible teaches about how to achieve victorious living! BLOOD ON THE DOORPOSTS is an advanced course in spiritual warefare that will teach you how to pray and rise above: Bad relationships Fear Guilt Drug abuse Occult and witchcraft connections Anger and resentment Unforgiveness Depression Cults Pornography Bill Schnoebelen has counseled thousands to spiritual victory - believers who, despite the best intentions of clergy, were unable to obtain the liberty they so desperately needed.

This book is a manual of arms providing true stories of hope, step-by-step instruction, and prayers, that will shatter the darkness in your life, too. Chapter 1 - "The Sweetest Screams" Chapter 2 - "If You Don't Leave, I'll Call the Police! " SHATTER THE DARKNESS. Stop Sleep Paralysis -Stories - Treatment - Research - Causes. Video Stories « Stop Sleep Paralysis -Stories - Treatment - Research - Causes.