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Publishers. Welcome to Constructing Meaning. Sites/default/files/researchreport/1286_rapidfinaltoprint.pdf. NCLE Report: Remodeling Literacy Learning. Findings Key findings from the NCLE survey, explored in more detail in the body of the report, yield the following conclusions about how US educators are currently working together to meet rising literacy expectations and how best to support them going forward.

NCLE Report: Remodeling Literacy Learning

Literacy is not just the English teacher's job anymore. Working together is working smarter. Center for Excellence in Education. Teach4SciJourn. Literacy in Learning Exchange. Common Core and Educational Technology. Assessment Administration Guidance_FINAL_0. PARCC Model Content Frameworks. Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers. Next Generation Science Standards. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. CCSS-ELA Phase 2 Resources. Writing Tools. Publishers: Assessment and Grading in the Differentiated Classroom. Science Matters. And good science literally starts in your child’s elementary classroom.

Science Matters

The pipeline for our next generation of scientists, engineers, and technicians begins in the K–6 classroom. Quality elementary science lessons capture children’s attention when they are most open, most curious, and most naturally disposed to asking questions about the world around them. Young children who receive a strong foundation in science during their elementary school years do better in science in later grades. Many students also make fundamental career decisions by the time they get to middle school, so engaging students in science at an early age provides them with more career opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers.