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Vegan Health Tips | The Ultimate Vegan Baking Cheat Sheet.


Vegetarian. Vegan. Two really helpful food sites - StumbleUpon. Two really helpful food sites. How did we ever live without these? Instead of running out to buy the ingredients you need for a recipe- why not cook up what you already have on hand? Supercook is a search engine that finds recipes you can make with the ingredients you have at home. Simply list ingredients you have in your fridge, garden and pantry. Try it out here... Still Tasty I did a search to see if you can freeze mozzarella- and found this site.

Also like because you can save your own recipes (or others) on the site. Vegan recipes and vegetarian recipes - living and raw - uncooked! Sweetonveg on TasteSpotting - StumbleUpon. Vegetarian Restaurants Guide, Vegan, Healthy, Natural Health Food Stores. Vegetarian Restaurants North America - Health Food Stores by HappyCow. Order A Free Vegetarian Starter Pack!