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Hearing Solutions UK

We are dedicated to finding the right hearing aid solution to suit you.

Treatments - Hearing Solutions UK. What is Tinnitus, What are the Causes of Tinnitus. Tinnitus is a common condition that affects 1 in 10 people in the UK, predominantly people over the age of 65.

What is Tinnitus, What are the Causes of Tinnitus

It can be caused by several factors, and causes an irritating sound. What is Tinnitus? Tinnitus is a condition that makes you hear sounds from inside your own body, rather than an outside source. Some cases of tinnitus cause the sound to only be heard in one ear, while other cause the sound to be heard from both ears. The sounds that you hear vary, but could include ringing, whistling or buzzing. In most cases, tinnitus isn’t severe, and is just an irritation. Benefits of Rechargeable Hearing Aids. The advancement of technology provides many helpful features for the improvement of hearing aids.

Benefits of Rechargeable Hearing Aids

These range from the incorporation of GPS systems to streaming music and phone conversations. With the constant progress to enhance the performance of hearing aids, one aspect that is still in need of development is the battery. Hearing aids without the wireless and digital technology upgrades can perform for up to one to two weeks. Our Audiologists - Hearing Solutions UK. Treatments - Hearing Solutions UK. About Us - Hearing Solutions UK. Conductive Hearing Loss - Hearing Solutions UK. What is conductive hearing loss?

Conductive Hearing Loss - Hearing Solutions UK

First, here is more detail on what defines conductive hearing problems. “Conduction” is a word meaning something invisible, being transported. So, it’s used in relation to heat and energy transfer, for example. When it comes to your auditory system, the invisible thing that needs to be transported is sound. In a healthy and fully functioning ear, the outer area scoops up sound waves, which then pass by a process of conduction through the middle ear and eardrum, to your inner ear. First signs of hearing loss - Hearing Solutions UK. Those first early signs of hearing loss can be difficult for you to detect, especially if they come on gradually.

First signs of hearing loss - Hearing Solutions UK

In most cases, it is family members who will first notice that there may be a problem with your hearing. Some of the early signs that you should look out for are listed below. Sounds and voices do not seem as clear as they once did, and may seem muffled. You may misunderstand what people are saying to you. This is usually more noticeable in crowded or busy places. You notice that you have to ask people to repeat what they have just said. The volume on the TV or radio needs to be higher than usual so that you can hear it clearly. You prefer not to use the telephone due to difficulty in holding a conversation. You find yourself having to concentrate on talking with others. Symptoms & Treatment. What is Meniere’s Disease Meniere’s Disease is a health condition that affects the inner ear.

Symptoms & Treatment

It is believed roughly 1 in 1,000 people in the UK suffer from the disease, with it being more prominent in adults, between 20-60, and slightly more common in women than men. 3 types of hearing loss - Hearing Solutions UK. Conductive hearing loss Conductive hearing loss occurs when sound cannot travel from your outer ear to your inner ear.

3 types of hearing loss - Hearing Solutions UK

This is sometimes caused by an obstruction or damage to the middle or outer ear and can make sounds seem quieter and more muffled. Why is my hearing muffled? - Hearing Solutions UK. 1.Abnormal growths One of the many reasons you may have muffled ear is because your ear is blocked by wax, by some kind of fluid trapped in your ear or by a small tumour called a cholesteatoma.

Why is my hearing muffled? - Hearing Solutions UK

These are made are non-cancerous and tend to be made up of tissue or skin and it usually occurs close to the eardrum. The best way to recognise it, is firstly that it is likely to affect one, rather than both ears. You may also notice a discharge of fluid from the ear, that can sometimes carry with it an unpleasant smell. Your ear, as with most cases of muffled ear, will feel full or as if you need to pop it (as when you are on a plane) and you may also be suffering from tinnitus.

If you leave the problem and hope it goes anyway on its own, it is likely to worsen and the symptoms can develop, with muscle weakness on the affected side of your face being one to watch out for, as well as problems with your balance and potential feelings of dizziness. 2. Oticon OPN Vs. Traditional Hearing Aids. A number of individuals with hearing loss still rely on utilising traditional hearing aid technology since it is ideal in some complex situations where it provides wearers with focus and access to certain sounds and speech signals.

Oticon OPN Vs. Traditional Hearing Aids

However, whilst this option can be reassuring for many, introducing them to a newer, more advanced technology such as Oticon OPN hearing aids might give them a bigger opportunity and better hearing experience. Since conventional hearing aids help a wearer by reducing surrounding sound signals, especially in a loud environment such as a social gathering, this leaves the person with a narrowed and artificial listening experience. Valid Diagnosis & Solutions. Loss Hearing Solutions UK. Ten million people in the UK, one in six of us, have some degree of hearing loss.

Loss Hearing Solutions UK

The main causes are hereditary factors, noise exposure, trauma and ear diseases. And, of course, there is age. More than 40% of people over 50 years of age have some degree of hearing loss, rising to 70% of those over the age of 70. The incredible gift of sound allows us to communicate with friends, family, and colleagues. It also allows us to enjoy television, music and all manner of entertainment. How To Safely Clean Your Ears. But there is another way to get in and get your Ears clean and Clear!

How To Safely Clean Your Ears

Earwax build-up is a natural process that is essential for the health and wellbeing of your ears. Also known as cerumen, earwax protects the ear from dust, microorganisms and other foreign particles and it lubricates your Eardrum too! However, this becomes a common problem when there is too much earwax caused by the following factors: The ageing process, as earwax becomes drier with ageHaving narrow or excessive hair in the ear canalsThe ear canal not producing enough natural oils for the wax to migrate When any of the above happens, you may feel symptoms such as a sensation of your ear being plugged up, pain, discomfort, partial hearing loss, irritation and the heightened sensation of tinnitus.

What are the Most Common Causes of Hearing Loss? There are two main types of Hearing Loss, being a: Conductive Hearing Loss Which can stem from: The Pinna, such as a cauliflower ear as caused from constant bruising re: Boxing or Rugby playingStenosis or Atresia where the Ear Canal closes over a period of timeEar Polyps which can appear through a number of causes such as a) Cholesteatoma b) Inflammation c) TumourWax which can build up in the Ear Canal, rather than migrating into the Concha or bowl of the EarA Perforation of the Tympanic Membrane, more commonly known as the Ear DrumOtosclerosis which is an abnormal growth of bone on one of the three bones (as underlined) in the Middle Ear, known as the Malleus, Incus and Stapes, or more commonly known as the Hammer, Anvil and Stirrup.

Valid Diagnosis & Solutions. Loss Hearing Solutions UK. Finding The Best Chair For People With Limited Mobility. The elderly and people with mobility issues typically spend most of their time either sitting on a chair or laying on the bed, and whilst these are designed to offer them comfort, some furniture may not be the right type for them or even contribute to worsen their conditions. Since they are mostly sitting throughout the day, having a chair that makes them slouch or lean towards the edges may be detrimental to their health. That is why getting the best chair that will answer their needs is important to improve their well being.

To know the right type of chair, here are the factors you need to consider before purchasing. Adjustable Features The elderly have immediate and changing needs that may require the chair to have specific modifications to aid with their comfort. Made-to-measure Dimensions Having a riser/recliner chair that is made specifically for your needs can provide you with the perfect sitting position.

Comfortable Hygienic Provides Support. Oticon OPN Vs. Traditional Hearing Aids. Menopause and Use of Hormone Therapy. Older age at natural menopause and the use of oral hormone therapy are each associated with a higher risk of hearing loss, experts have discovered. Because hearing loss becomes more common after menopause, the point in a woman’s life when oestrogen and progestogen levels reduce, it has been assumed that hormone therapy must help lower the risk of hearing loss.

But after looking at data from over 80,000 women, researchers found that the use of oral hormone therapy in postmenopausal women (especially those who had used it for a longer time) was associated with a higher risk of hearing loss. Top 5 Reasons An Adjustable Bed Can Help Improve Your Sleep. Completing the recommended eight hours sleep seems to get harder as you grow older. Even if you do manage to get your required amount of rest, there still might be a few factors that accompany ageing which can result to a poor sleep quality. If you are currently experiencing this dilemma, reconsidering where you sleep and switching to the use of an adjustable bed may be a better choice. Causes and Treatment for Sensorineural Hearing Loss. What is Tinnitus, What are the Causes of Tinnitus. Ear Feels Clogged and Muffled? Causes and Treatment. What is Cookie Bite Hearing Loss. Can I Wear Second-hand Hearing Aids? Hearing Test at Home - Benefits and What It Involves. What are the Benefits of a Hearing Test at Home?

Visiting a health or hearing centre can be a daunting and nerve-racking experience, but having the assessment performed in the comfort of your own home can help reduce the anxiety of some people. The test is also of the same standard as a test performed at a hearing centre, so you needn’t worry about not receiving a fully accurate assessment. What are the Effects of Hearing Loss? What You Need to Know About Diabetes & Hearing Loss. Audiograms - What are They and Why are They Important?

Conductive Hearing Loss - Causes and Treatment. Benefits of Rechargeable Hearing Aids. Untitled. How to Cope With Hearing Loss As You Age. You would think the situation is hard enough for people born with hearing loss. Contrary to this, it is harder for those who get to experience the pleasure and ability to hear only for it to be gradually taken away by injury, disease or old age. Offering The Best & Latest Hearing Aids.