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Top Foods to Avoid Overeating - Health Zone. Over a period of time our body has adapted to a standard intake of calories.

Top Foods to Avoid Overeating - Health Zone

When we try to stop ourselves from consuming this daily dose to lose weight, it doesn’t work in most cases. Here are five foods that will make you feel fuller for longer and help prevent unnecessary snacking in between meals. Apples:Pectin in apples can make you feel full for at least a few hours, helping you keep calories away until the next meal.

They are also low on sugar and high on fiber, both of which indirectly aid weight loss. Eggs:Eggs contain a good mix of nutrients along with protein, which helps burn body fat, boosts metabolism and keeps hunger away. Barley and Oats: Both of them contain beta-glucan, anti-bacterial and antioxidant properties. Figs:A great source of fiber, natural sugar and low calories (37 cal), this fruit also keep you full for longer than usual. Yogurt: A great source of protein and calcium, it can keep you full, promote fat burn and help in muscle build up. How To Clean Your Liver - Health Zone. People talk about liver and kidney cleansing in ways that conjure up pictures of driving to something like a carwash, attaching the liver and kidneys to a washing machine, and happily picking them up “cleansed” after a quick and powerful scrub.

How To Clean Your Liver - Health Zone

Unfortunately, liver and kidney cleansing isn’t that easy.Dozens of different liver cleansing programs are available. Despite the range of options, they all boil down to basic diet changes and some health-enhancing supplements. Liver cleansingFrom a medical standpoint, a liver that requires cleansing might reveal itself through a collection of blood tests collectively called “liver function tests.” To flush the liver, avoid animal products and eat mainly high-fibre fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and legumes (see “Raw foods to support liver cleansing” below).

Drink 6 to 12 cups (1.5 to 3 L) of filtered or healthyspring water daily because it helps flush out toxins. Best GYM in Ludhiana - Health Zone India. Hazratganj Srishti Apartments, 10-B, Madan Mohan Malviya Marg, (Road Adjacent to Hindustan Times) , Near Butler Palace, Lucknow, U.P., INDIA : +91-522-2205821, 2205492, 3018787 Indira Nagar 1st floor, opp.

Best GYM in Ludhiana - Health Zone India

Lekhraj Khazana Complex, Main Faizabad Road, Indira Nagar,Lucknow, U.P., INDIA : +91-9807362436, 0522-4047367 Gomti Nagar 1st Floor, 4/46, Vivek Khand, (Opp. Aliganj 1st Floor, B-1/66,Sec-B, Lane Adjacent to Radhey Lal, Opp BIBA Showroom. Alambagh. Oatmeal Pancakes - Healthy Pancakes with Coffee. This was my first attempt making pancakes without cocoa powder..because I loovve chocolate in anything and everything.

Oatmeal Pancakes - Healthy Pancakes with Coffee

I had a sudden craving for pancakes due to the chilly weather we have been having here in Delhi and after seeing pancakes all over my Instagram feed, I moved my butt to make them. These were so easy to make and you can experiment with different flavors of your choice. I used coffee this time. These would be a fantastic breakfast to make for a friend as well, as they are easy to eat and who doesn’t love pancakes? You can also play around with the flavor profiles of the pancakes and the toppings. I kept toppings pretty simple with just honey and multiseed mix from Keeros, a delightfully healthy combination of 4 superseeds and pack a punch of Calcium, Protein, Iron & Vitamin A.

You’ll need : (makes 5 medium sized pancakes enough for one person) Directions : Mix dry ingredients first, then add your mashed banana, milk, and soaked chia seeds. Save Please follow and like us: