We are Healthy Geek. We know all that there is to make your smile better than ever. Our expert team of dentists are always ready to save the day whenever your tooth or teeth start acting up. We may be geeks, but we can save the day one tooth at a time.
6 Tips for Maintaining A Healthy Lifestyle. Live the best of life by maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
(Credit: edulauton | Unsplash) Just because you’re physically fit doesn’t mean you are healthy. Being healthy actually means you are all physically, emotionally, and, importantly, mentally fit. Even though there are more of us taking the right nutrient-packed meals and getting interested in regular exercise, there are still many others who veer off the path when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle despite their best, New Year intentions. It’s a no-brainer that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is key for a good life. With the countless healthy lifestyle tips in the market, it’s easy to get lost. 1.
Everyone knows what regular exercise can do for the body. 2. Good nutrition is one of the core healthy-lifestyle tips you should keep front and center. Staying on top of your bad eating habits also helps you control your weight and regulate your blood pressure, sugar, and circulation. Eat what makes you happy and healthy. Benefits of Breastfeeding to Baby's Oral Health. Dave Clubb | Unsplash Lots of moms worry about their child’s health.
Dedicated to keep their children healthy, most mothers devote their time into breastfeeding. A mother’s milk is known to have properties that can fight off viruses, lower risks of various ailments, reduce infection, and keep a baby healthy. But one benefit that not a lot of moms are aware of is breastfeeding’s effect on their baby’s oral health. Healthier Mouth Some well-meaning elders may tell new mothers to breastfeed to protect their baby’s teeth. Breastfed babies were found by experts to have improved oral and dental health than those who were artificially (i.e., bottle) fed. To put things in perspective, though, baby bottle tooth decay is not entirely about feeding through bottles but rather the lengthy exposure of children to sugary drinks.
Pacifiers and feeding bottles can cause the teeth to grow crookedlyanncapictures | Pixabay Effect on Future Orthodontic Treatments Nasal Breathing Tatiana Syrikova | Pexels. 5 Signs that You Need Emergency Dental Care. Always give your dentist in case of emergencyCredit: drshohmelian | Pixabay When a dental emergency strikes, it’s vital you give it immediate attention.
However, it can be difficult to tell when sudden pain is nothing to worry about or when it’s serious. Toothaches come in different shapes and sizes, and knowing what’s an emergency or not can help save time and money in the long run. 5 Signs that You Need Emergency Dental Care. Always give your dentist in case of emergencyCredit: drshohmelian | Pixabay When a dental emergency strikes, it’s vital you give it immediate attention.
However, it can be difficult to tell when sudden pain is nothing to worry about or when it’s serious. Toothaches come in different shapes and sizes, and knowing what’s an emergency or not can help save time and money in the long run. Here’s a list of warning signs to let you know that it’s something serious this time. A severe toothache is usually your first warningCredit: AllaSerebrina | Depositphotos Severe painPain is usually your first clue that something is wrong in general.
Recurring bleeding gums (particularly after brushing or flossing) can be an early indicator of gum disease. 5. If you’ve been experiencing a recurring toothache, then the pain goes away suddenly, it may not be over just yet. Quick action is key to saving your smileCredit: Andrea Piacquadio | Pexels. Why Dental Checkups are Crucial for Optimal Oral Health. How to Choose the Right Dentist. (Credit: DarkoStojanovic | Pixabay) Your dentist is one of the most important persons in your life.
When choosing a new dentist, you’re not only looking for someone who can clean your teeth; you’re looking for someone who can look after your oral health and general wellbeing. That said, every person must have a dental practice they can call “home” and a dentist who can take care of their family. A reliable practice makes you feel comfortable and well cared for each time you have your appointment.