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Liver and Gall Bladder Flush. Colon cleansing, Colon Plaque - Mucoid Plaque. Colon Plaque - Mucoid Plaque by Dr. Richard Anderson, N.D., N.M.D The phrase, “mucoid plaque,” is a term that I use to describe various conditions found throughout the body, especially in hollow organs and the alimentary canal. It is a substance that the body naturally creates under unnatural conditions, such as attack from acids, drugs, heavy metals, and toxic chemicals. I have always attempted to make it clear that the “Mucoid Plaque” found in the bowel is not equivalent to the natural healthy gastric and intestinal mucosa. Therefore, out of necessity, I constructed the term “mucoid plaque”.Other authors have used other terms such as “Mucoid matter,” “mucoid material,” “mucoid,”1and “Surface mucin.” The medical terms that most adequately describe mucoid plaque are mucoviscidosis, intestinal mucin, and surface mucin.

Although most medical doctors are unaware of the concept of mucoid plaque, there are numerous comments throughout medical literature that refer to it. A: Yes. ARL : Why The Outbreak Of Candida Albicans. Introduction Recently numerous articles have appeared in both medical and nutritional journals concerning overgrowth of Candida Albicans as a cause of allergies, fatigue, digestive problems, emotional problems, and numerous other complaints.

Candida was discovered over 100 years ago. Why is it becoming such a major problem today? Common Causes Of Candida Overgrowth Some of the numerous reasons for candidiasis overgrowth are well known. There is also a known connection between candida overgrowth, use of the birth control pill and therapy with steroid hormones. However, many questions remain unanswered. Why are some people more prone to Candida infection than others?. Hair Analysis Reveals Underlying Causes This article is a report on research conducted by Analytical Research Labs based upon tissue mineral analysis performed on several hundred candidiasis patients. Metabolic Aspects Of Candida Albicans Infection Bio-unavailability of copper. Depletion of nutrients occurs due to: Zinc Deficiency. Control Candida in Two Weeks.

(NaturalNews) The need for this article is both current and long-standing. The current Candida diets are unhealthy, lengthy, unwise and simply not all that effective. On the other hand, there is no reason that Candida cannot be totally controlled in a few days to two weeks for most cases -- a few cases may take longer than that. At the roots of the Candida problem are several issues, few of which are ever addressed in a way that shows any understanding of nature and her laws. Before we address those issues, let us just review a few points of basic Candida pathology. First: Candida albicans is one type of yeast. Second: Candida as a pathology first appeared as a consequence of antibiotics, which do not kill Candida, but which kill other friendly flora which would prevent Candida from overgrowing in the same way many trees in a rain forest prevent one species from owning everything.

When Candida appeared as a pathology, people getting diagnosed were very sick, on the verge of death. 1. 2.


Blood. From the Heart | Science. Gut. Candida Overgrowth The physical and emotional side Part 3. Candida cured in Days, not Weeks. Salt Flush. Image by Hueystar One of the most famous saying in Naturopathic Medicine is “Death Begins in the Colon.” This is because you are what you eat, absorb, don’t digest and eliminate. Essentially the functioning of your body is directly related to the health of your digestion system.

That’s because everything you eat makes the very cells that allow your body to function. It’s as simple as that. Ample research shows that almost every chronic disorder and symptom- whether or not it has an apparent connection to the digestive system- is directly caused by an imbalance in GI track (digestive system). Therefore, it is vital to our health, on the inside and outside, to have a healthy digestive system. The good news is, that intestinal cleansing is a great way to get on the right track. This intestinal cleanse is a great way to begin cleansing and certainly has far more long term affects than more popular detoxification programs such as “The Master Cleanse.”

Part I Salt Flush Image by BlacknBlueBerry.