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How to decrease the Side Effects of vaping?

03 november 2017

How to decrease the Side Effects of vaping?

With new measures coming up to counter the ill-effects of smoking, there are quite a few alternatives available for those who wish to get rid of the habit. Amongst these options, vaping is proving to be quite popular worldwide.

Vaping is a process of exhaling and inhaling the vapors of water, which are formed by an electric equipment – an e-cigarette or a vaporizer. Vaping is free of tobacco, and generally free of nicotine as well. It can be considered as a tobacco-free version of a traditional cigarette.

However, this alternative too is leading to its own set of issues. People are gradually becoming dependent on e-cigarettes and are reluctant to get rid of it. As a result they remain vulnerable to a host of ailments and conditions arising from vaping.

Vaping is associated with a number of side effects like dizziness, caffeine sensitivity, skin issues, dry mouth, etc. Fortunately, by learning how to quit vaping, one can diminish or eliminate most of the vaping side effects with some precautionary measures.

Some of the typical side effects of vaping and its possible remedies are discussed below:

Skin issues and dry mouth

Dehydration caused by vaping can result in dry throat or dry mouth, flaky, red, itchy, and flaky skin, and various other side-effects. The nature of the vapor is to attract molecules of the water from its surroundings, and one can feel the water inside his/her mouth.

If one experiences any of such issues, then drinking enough amount of fluids may drastically suppress the condition. Specific side effects may be considered as a blessing in the veil, for example, dry skin condition can be helpful for people with oily skin but staying hydrated enough is still essential.


Intake of an excessive amount of nicotine may result in dizziness. If one is feeling dizzy, then he/she may probably be taking more quantity of nicotine than one can tolerate. This effect of nicotine is commonly linked with sub-ohm vaping (where the resistance of the coil of the e-cigarette is reduced below the 1-ohm level) while large volumes of vapor are entering one’s body.

Fortunately, this particular issue is resolved merely by turning to liquid. These e-liquids have a lower strength of nicotine and hence prevent dizziness to give you a way out if you are exploring ways on how to quit vaping.

Caffeine sensitivity

Several people who tend to swap to vaping may feel faint withdrawals, and they tend to consume more caffeinated drinks or coffee. Initials days, while vaporizer is used may result in a sensitivity of caffeine. This may further results in mood swings and anxiety. Just decrease the consumption of caffeinated food, and you may witness that all the above symptoms will rapidly dissipate.

Canker sores

Canker sores are shallow, small blisters caused in the mouth (one must not confuse it with cold sore). These are caused due to various reasons like vaping, stress, hormone disorder, spicy and acidic food, vitamin deficiency, and injury in the mouth. Moreover, e-liquids or vapors do not have any connection with a canker sore, though failing to maintain the hygiene of the mouthpiece is an issue.

Anything that one puts into their mouth should be clean, mainly the e-cigarette mouthpiece because a lot of bacteria and other microbes tends to accumulate on it. Therefore, to decrease the risk of canker sores, one must keep the vaporizers clean and hygienic.

With these side effects of vaping, you might be looking at ways on how to quit vaping. It is heartening to know that most of the side effects can be addressed. Just go through the above post and see how you can tackle specific side effects. Yes, it’s that simple!

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