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Spicy Aioli Recipe with Chipotle and Turmeric | Paleo, Anti-Inflammatory. BBQ Sauce - Ketovangelist Kitchen. If you want to save yourself hours of label reading in the grocery store and the frustration of still leaving said store without any BBQ sauce because almost all the commercially produced ones are filled with sugar, chemicals and other assorted artificial yuck, then this recipe is for you. The BBQ Sauce backstory shares how it came to be that an English chick even made BBQ Sauce in the first place, and assurance that it was taste tested by an American.

Now, since our very own Brian lives in the BBQ Capitol of the world (so he claims), and given the fact that I grew up in England where everyone was all, "What's BBQ?? ", I should make a disclaimer that I am not a tasting expert on regular BBQ sauces. However, I did have many taste testers who declared this KETO version to be perfectly lovely. Your mileage may vary, especially given the number of regional variations of what a good BBQ sauce is in America. PS. Now, roll your grill out onto the patio and get BBQing! BBQ Sauce What You Need Save.