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淡水一滴水紀念館 @ 貓頭鷹的視界. 原汁原味的日本古厝降落於淡水半山腰的故事~~

淡水一滴水紀念館 @ 貓頭鷹的視界

移民村的生活. ·Pı¤é¥»¤H¦b°µ¨Æ³£¤ñ¸û¦³­p¹º¡A½ñ¹ê¥BÄYÂÔ¡C¦b²¾¥Á§øªº³]¸m´N¥i¥H¬Ý¥X¨Ó¡A²¾¥Á§ø¬O¤@­Ó³W¹º§¹µ½ªº»E¸¨¡A¥i¥H¦Ûµ¹¦Û¨¬¡A¤£»Ý©M¨ä¥L»E¸¨¨Ó©¹¡C ªá½¬ªº¤T­Ó²¾¥Á§ø³£³]¦³¡G 1. ²¾¥Á«ü¾É©Ò¡G¤À°t²¾¥Á¤g¦a¡A¹A§Þ«ü¾É¡A°ü¤k®a¬F°V½m 2.


¬£¥X©Ò¡GºûÅ@ªv¦w 3. 4. 5. 6. 國家地理雜誌1920年3月號. 在eBay看到有人拍賣國家地理雜誌1920年3月號,該期雜誌刊登Alice Ballantine Kirjassoff訪問台灣的文章,內有60張當時的台灣照片,好奇之下就下標買回來,共花了美金23元(含運費)。


今天收到這本雜誌,保存完好,紙質在當時應該算很棒的,即使現在看來,也還是很高級的樣子,沒有泛黃,也沒有掉頁。 封面長這個樣子: 裏面有許多汽車廣告,這是其中的Dodge汽車 還有大英百科全書的廣告,裏面已有花一塊錢就可以試閱,想買的時候才付錢的服務 那麼,1920年的台灣是什麼樣子? 臺灣百年歷史地圖. 地圖會說話. 凌宗魁. 台灣老照片數位博物館. 蔣介石統治下的台灣影像(組圖) - 阿波羅新聞網. 蔣經國在大陳,當時的大陳島上有四縣二局的行政組織,分別是:溫嶺、平陽、玉環、臨海四縣及漁山、竹嶼兩管理局(195458)。

蔣介石統治下的台灣影像(組圖) - 阿波羅新聞網

“中影”公司抗日戰爭影片“八百壯士”,在士林片廠開拍,當年偷渡蘇州河潛往四行倉庫向八百壯士獻“國旗”的女童子軍楊惠敏和飾演楊惠敏的林青霞共同主持開鏡。 (馮國鏘攝1975) 中華少棒隊榮獲第二十三屆世界少棒大賽冠軍,載譽返回,台北市鬧區中華商場一帶的歡迎人潮,向所僅見(馮國鏘攝1969) 馮國鏘. Taiwan Pictures Digital Archive - Taipics. 美國水兵遊高雄老照片Photos of Old Kaohsiung by USN Sailors @ TaiwanAirBlog. Posted on February 23rd, 2013Administrator All photos by Navy Department Library via 在中美協防條約廢止之前,美國海軍的軍艦經常造訪高雄和基隆這兩座港口,而所謂的Cruise Book留下了許多美國水兵遊覽台灣的影像。

美國水兵遊高雄老照片Photos of Old Kaohsiung by USN Sailors @ TaiwanAirBlog

透過這些老照片,讓我們得以一覽老高雄的風貌。 由於我對高雄並不十分熟悉,如果你知道照片裡的景點,歡迎留言告知。 謝謝! Before the Mutual Defense Treaty between the ROC and the US was terminated in 1979, US Navy ships often made port calls to Kaohsiung and Keelung. Thanks to the so-called Navy Cruise Books, which keeps many photos taken during the port calls, we are able to see what Kaohsiung was like in the old days. (Visited 1,994 times, 3 visits today)

THE EARLY YEARS - 1955 to 1960 Click on Images to Enlarge REMEMBRANCES OF LINKOU (Det. 1, 6925th RSM) - SHULINKOU 1955 to 1956 Updated 22 Dec 01 Jack Tress's account with photos of life at Shulinkou in 1955 when the base was first established.

"I was a brand new 2nd lieutenant, fresh out of OCS, when I was there. Several of the Chinese linguists that were there were in the same class with me at Yale...Re that picture of me standing in the entrance to the tent, that was the BOQ prior to the other metal one that was built in the fall of 1955. You can see the brick floor in the tent. GETTING ESTABLISHED - SHULINKOU 1955 and 1956 Updated 23 Mar 02Numerous photos and narrative by Al High (1955-56) a 203 linguist. BOOT CAMP TO THE HILL AND BACK - SHULINKOU 1956 to 1958 Added 16 Nov 07Recollection of Frank Fredo's memories of Linkou while there from 1956 until his departure and discharge from the Army in 1958.

THE EARLIEST OF THE EARLY YEARS - SHULINKOU 1957 Added 29 Mar 01 Col. Taipei Nightlife. Considered one of the best NCO clubs in the Far East, this large club had it bar, TVs, slot machine room, Olympic-size pool, poolside drink service, barber shop, steam and sauna, masseuses, and 25-cent massages.

Taipei Nightlife

The adjacent Stag Bar had its own building, small bar, jukebox, obligatory bar games...darts, shuffleboard, pool...and no "saujays" allowed. The $1.00 monthly club dues included a monthly "Men's Night" in the main dining room with a free full course steak dinner, 10-cent top-shelf drinks all night, and a "burlesque" floor show...complete with dancing girls on stage. Members received a bottle of champaign for birthdays and wedding anniversaries, and a brass ashtray when departing the island. Stateside performers in 1969 and 1970 included the Drifters, Gary Lewis, Gary Puckett, and USO shows...all performances took place on stage in the main dining room (see photo below left).

Taipei and Surrounding Area - Part I. (1.

Taipei and Surrounding Area - Part I

-Above) Feb 1972 shot of the King's Hotel on the corner at 150 Chungshan North Road, Section 2, and Min Chuan West Road. Next door on the right is the King's Club (first floor) and 77 Club (second floor above). The Central Hotel is on the far left (tall grey bldg. . ), Taiwan_1934.jpg (1850×3898) 地圖俱樂部 « 地圖與遙測影像數位典藏計畫. 本文轉載自 自由時報 記者陳韋宗/新北報導 2014.2.26 板橋古城風貌 莊文毅考證繪地圖 融合清代、日治、現代街景 「即使住在板橋幾十年,仍有很多人不知道板橋曾經是座古城。」

地圖俱樂部 « 地圖與遙測影像數位典藏計畫

長期致力於保存板橋文化與社區營造的枋橋文化協會監事莊文毅,透過經年累月的文史資料收集與細心考證,繪製出一張融合清代、日治、現代街景風貌的「老板橋地圖」,如今已不復見的舊火車站、古城門,以及公會堂都在地圖上重現; 莊文毅說,希望經由這張老地圖,讓板橋人重新認識腳下的土地。 枋橋文化協會監事莊文毅細心考證,畫出融合清代、日治、現代的老板橋地圖,讓許多歷史建物重現。 US Taiwan Defense Command. Taipei Signal Army. US Taiwan Defense Command. TaiwanAirBlog. 臺灣文史資源(空間圖資)海外徵集與國際合作. 志工長期招募中. 台灣百年歷史地圖:線上數化功能. 撰文 / 廖泫銘圖 / 人社中心地理資訊科學研究專題中心 使用方式. 臺北高等學校創立90週年紀念系列活動─白線帽的青春.