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Business Plans & Financial Statements Template Gallery. Published May. 13, 2015 These tools can be your first step towards small business success.

Business Plans & Financial Statements Template Gallery

Find business planning, finance, sales, marketing, and management templates & guides then get advice from a SCORE mentor for one-on-one assistance along the way. Business Planning Templates Use the templates below, then meet with a SCORE mentor for expert business planning advice. Finance Templates Use the templates below, then meet with a SCORE mentor for expert finance advice.

Marketing & Sales Templates Use the templates below, then meet with a SCORE mentor for expert sales advice. Management Templates Use the templates below, then meet with a SCORE mentor for expert management advice. Have a question about small business planning? Sign up for SCORE Newsletters to get new and exclusive resources like this delivered to your inbox.

About the Author Special thanks to the Seattle SCORE chapter, East Central Ohio chapter and other SCORE mentors for developing these user-friendly planning templates. Five Best Apps to Forecast and Manage Cash Flow. As 2011 winds down, planning next year's finances should be a priority.

Five Best Apps to Forecast and Manage Cash Flow

And if managing cash flow isn't hard enough already, by now you should be creating -- or perhaps fine-tuning -- your projections for what your business will spend and earn over the next year. If this is making you feel overwhelmed, relax. There are a number of apps and online tools that can make managing and forecasting your business finances a lot easier. We tested a number of online cash-flow management tools to come up with our five picks that provide the most value for your time and money: 1.

While they don’t have the features of more sophisticated tools, cash-flow projection templates save the time it can take to create a similar one from scratch. Related: A Primer on Cash-Flow Projections Google Docs offers templates which can be shared and edited with other members of your Google Apps account. Expect to change some headings and tinker with these templates. 2. 3. Related: Cash-Flow Calculator 4. A Primer on Cash-Flow Projections. Regular cash flow projections can keep creditors at bay--and go a long way toward ensuring the good health of your business You've probably heard the phrase "cash is king," but do you really know what it means, beyond the concept of making more of it than you spend?

A Primer on Cash-Flow Projections

Many new business owners--and even some seasoned entrepreneurs--don't. Lenders and investors? They understand cash. They don't care about your plan to change the world unless it includes some down-to-earth cash flow projections. The problem is confusing profits with cash flow, which are completely different things. For example, if you made a $1,000 sale, but the customer hasn't yet paid you, that's still income. Even a profitable business can run out of cash and have to close up shop. Small-business owners pay rent, usually in advance. Cash flow projections can't predict the unpredictable, but they can alert you to the more foreseeable hazards. Cash should flow in faster than out. Cash flows out for: Like this article?