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HazenTech has decades of software consulting experience with a collective working experience of more than 100 years. In 2017, we embarked on a new journey with a vision to bring a positive difference in businesses. HazenTech is a highly skilled on-shore team with diverse experience across various technology platforms and industry verticals, including Litigation Support Services. Our team has diverse and cross-functional team experience that includes QA analysts, developers, senior developers, technical leads, project managers and enterprise architects. We are a technology company that believes software can uplift the business condition. We build solutions that positively impact our partners. We solve our customers’ toughest challenges by developing and deploying high-value yet affordable technology solutions. We specialize in enterprise application development, cloud enablement, mobile enablement, EAI & B2B integration, business intelligence, quality management, project management office, and process re-engineering optimization.

What And Why Outsource Litigation Support Services. Litigation support services assist law firms with complex lawsuits.

What And Why Outsource Litigation Support Services

Outsourcing litigation support services will enable law firms to focus more on the core operations of their current and pending cases. The kind of service offered is defined by the requirements of the law firms. This blog discusses the many areas of litigation support services and how they assist the law firm in building a stronger case by focusing on the core operations and getting more crucial insights into their claim.

Benefits Of Enterprise Application Integration For Your Business. Enterprise application integration can be defined as the process of uniting the enterprises’ applications workflows and databases.

Benefits Of Enterprise Application Integration For Your Business

This task ensures information consistently in your business. Thus every time an application makes a change to the core business data, it is correctly reflected in other applications. Everything You Need to Know About Cloud Enablement Services. Cloud Enablement Services streamline the day-to-day processes and operations.

Everything You Need to Know About Cloud Enablement Services

Business stakeholders can observe the benefits of cloud-based swift development and deployment of data applications. What Is Cloud Enablement? Over the recent few years, the hottest topic in our circles has been cloud enablement services. Though as simple as it is, if you are not already cashing in on cloud enablement, it may be something very complex and mysterious for you. Litigation Support Services - A Complete User Guide. Cloud Enablement Services - A complete guide in 2021. Is Your Law Firm Prepared for a Pandemic - Litigation Support Services. Top 8 benefits of using business intelligence solutions in 2021. All you need to know about enterprise application integration in 2021. Litigation Support Services — Lawyers Can Avoid Burnout Using Litigation Support... Four V’s of Business Intelligence Solutions Big Data. Big Data is the terminology used in business intelligence solutions for the vast volumes of data that companies deal with.

Four V’s of Business Intelligence Solutions Big Data

The data is collected from various sources and can be in a pattern of different formats. It is an essential source of valuable insights that businesses can use for informed decision-making and forming strategic moves to fuel business growth. The technology that allows companies to leverage the potential of Big Data is termed Big Data Analytics. Analyzing more data faster can significantly benefit an organization, allowing it to use data more efficiently. Big data analytics is necessary because it lets companies use vast volumes of data in multiple formats from various sources to identify opportunities and risks, supporting organizations to move quickly and improve their bottom lines. Benefits of Big data analysis: Let’s have a quick look at the benefits. The four v’s of big data: Volume: Velocity: Velocity indicates the speed with which data is generated. Variety: Veracity: Transitioning to Hybrid IT Environments with Cloud Enablement Services.

Business Intelligence Solutions in COVID-19 Pandemic. Transform Your Business with Enterprise Application Integration. Litigation Support Services Provide Secure E-filing Services. Top 7 SaaS Cloud Enablement Services Fueling Businesses. Top 4 Ways Business Intelligence Solutions Can Help Your company. How enterprise application integration helps businesses? Why do businesses need litigation support services? 7 Critical Reasons to Adopt Cloud Enablement Services. 6 Undeniable Benefits of Enterprise Application Integration. Top 4 Business Intelligence Solutions that Transform Data in 2021. Litigation Support Services Assist in each Phase of Lawsuits. An essential guide to enterprise application integration services – Enterprise Application Integration.

Enterprise application integration is a step forward to integrate hardware, applications and business processes.

An essential guide to enterprise application integration services – Enterprise Application Integration

It allows visualization of business processes without spending plenty of time in reviewing reports. Today, businesses are entirely dependable on technologies in various business units. Application integration gives a mechanism to share and process data. Requisition for an integration services provider: Enterprise application integration demands expert technical skills to perform it. Types of EAI: The different types of integration include data level, method level and application-level integration. Data Level integration: It allows data sharing among applications without sharing application logic.

Method level: It integrates through sharing the business methods and logic. Cloud Enablement Services help businesses to improve IT infrastructure. Five benefits of enterprise application integration for your organization. Litigation Support Services Provide cost-effective E-Filing Services. Business Intelligence Solutions Helps You Make Informed Decisions. Top Litigation Support Services Improves the Performance of Law Firms. Enterprise Application Integration Enhances Business Efficiency. Top Cloud Enablement Services for Business Growth. Why Cloud Enablement Services are Important for Business? Cloud enablement services are a more modern approach to managing long-running business needs.

Why Cloud Enablement Services are Important for Business?

A decade or so ago, business owners set aside a significant portion of their investment to build robust IT infrastructure to support business operations. After successive innovations, the cloud came into the image and altered the way organizations deploy and deliver applications. Many organizations have either successfully migrated to a cloud-based model or on the verge of adopting one.

Therefore, amidst the race to minimize IT expenditure, the cloud has emerged as a powerful business solution. Many businesses, however, are yet to make the transition to the cloud as they are yet to realize their full potential. A third party delivers and manages a cloud service through a remote server. The key to a thriving cloud transition is a solid strategy.

Business Intelligence Solutions Helping the Company Owners. The demand for Business intelligence solutions (BI) is rapidly increasing and becoming the lucrative solution for every company to stay competitive in the business world.

Business Intelligence Solutions Helping the Company Owners

BI and data analytics are key to outperform the competition. Businesses are using it to transform raw data into useful information and insight to drive reliable actions. So that the data can be used effectively to make better decisions about your company. This helps to fine-tune the growth and productivity of your organization by using the KPI dashboard. KPI Dashboard helps you in measuring whether your business is on the right track. Outsource Litigation Support Services: 7 Reasons Why. Litigation support services deliver high-quality and efficient services that help attorneys in many ways.

Outsource Litigation Support Services: 7 Reasons Why

It is gaining demand as attorneys endeavor to mitigate workload, costs, improve flexibility, and increase productivity. Technically we can say they get access to the lucrative resources without squandering a huge amount to keep business running smoothly. Why Enterprise Needs Enterprise Application Integration. Enterprise application integration is the use of technology that helps in communication between different applications of your enterprise. it helps in a smooth flow of data by establishing a middleware.

Why Enterprise Needs Enterprise Application Integration

Importantly, to improve your company’s workflow, efficiency, and agility, IT enablement and high-tech are a must-have for any business. If you want to get along with the latest trends and business shifts you need to be well informed about it. Best Litigation Support services for Legal Case Correspondence. Litigation support services assist attorneys in numerous ways and deliver high-quality work.

Best Litigation Support services for Legal Case Correspondence

Some legal tasks required more expertise that the in-house team may lack or could not manage because of the workload. At this point, you necessitate hiring back office service to provide you legal case correspondence with competence and efficiency. The back office provides Legal case correspondence that helps attorneys in written communication. Importantly, they provide support in reaching a verdict. Additionally, they have a highly experienced, skilled, and agile team that has profound knowledge of the law and legal system. Assistance provided in Legal case correspondence: Support provider helps attorneys save up to 50% of costs: They help attorneys to save the company’s resources.

Litigation support services are in line with the development of the Legal market: How Back office services help in Pre-Trail Calendaring. The Back office services provide dynamic services, one of the offered services is Pre-trial calendaring. They receive the document from the opposite council based upon their availability. They process these emails (Documents) and assign schedulers to schedule a pre-trial conference or deny if the other party has already decided on a different hearing data. Litigation Support Services Empowering Attorneys for Document Review. Litigation support services efficiently provide assistance to attorneys in the various legal tasks.

So far there are some tasks that ingest a great deal of effort and time. One of the tasks is known as legal document review. It is an excessively laborious job and one has to be ultra-careful while executing it. Support services offer cost-effective and reliable document review services that grip enormous significance during the legal process. Besides, document review is a work-extensive and time-consuming task that required a vast team to assess the relevant information.

How Back office services help in Pre-Trail Calendaring. Top-quality Litigation support services for check processing. Litigation support services provide accurate and reliable check processing services. Since the in-house team has tons of other core tasks on their table in enormous quantity. For this purpose back office comes into action.

Of course, Check processing is a very time-consuming and tricky task. On top of that, there is a huge possibility of miscellaneous errors as hundreds of checks are processed and transact on the daily basis. The law firms send the database of the amounts received from the defendant once the case is settled.