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Classroom Management

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TT Reframing Classroom Managment Handouts. Classroom Management Strategies: The Ultimate List – Proud to be Primary. This post contains affiliate links for your convenience. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. View disclosure policy HERE. As a teacher, you continually try to keep your students engaged and on-task. This list of classroom management strategies can help you accomplish this goal!

20 Classroom Management Strategies. Paper airplanes fly across the room. Students race between desks. You can’t get a word in, as they yell over you. It doesn’t have to be this dramatic, like a movie scene you’d watch in a media literacy lesson, but poor classroom management will almost assuredly elevate your stress and burnout rates. Unfortunately, 2006 research indicates that teachers overwhelmingly report lack of professional development support in improving classroom management.

Despite this unideal situation, there are straightforward approaches you can implement by yourself. Available as a downloadable list to keep at your desk, below are 20 research-backed classroom management strategies and techniques. Use the ones that best appeal to your situation and teaching style. Universal classroom management strategies 1. Make a habit of demonstrating behavior you want to see, as many studies show that modeling effectively teaches students how to act in different situations. Ways to Encourage Good Behavior, Without the Prizes or Treats. Looking for creative ways to reward positive classroom behavior?

Ways to Encourage Good Behavior, Without the Prizes or Treats

So was primary teacher JL when she wrote in with this question: “In previous years I have rewarded my students with special recognition for positive classroom behavior. This year, however, my students are expressing a strong expectation to be given something tangible instead (treats and goodies). I want them to learn to do the right thing for the sake of being a quality person, not just for something in return. I would love to hear thoughts and ideas about how to handle this.” The experienced teachers in our WeAreTeachers HELPLINE! 1. First grade teacher Dianne R. loves to motivate/celebrate her students and the hard work they do each day with simple, inexpensive Mardi Gras beads she has cleverly rebranded as Smart Beads. SOURCE: Spreading Joy One Giggle at a Time. Classroom Management: Ten Teacher-Tested Tips.

Hallway conferences. Pasta discipline. Buddy rooms. Bell work. Those and six other ideas for taming temper tantrums—and other classroom disruptions—are the focus of this Education World story! Included: An opportunity for all teachers to share the classroom management techniques that work for them! Sally McCombs has been teaching for more than 18 years.

McCombs recently recalled for Education World an experience from her early teaching days. "Notice," McCombs emphasized, the teacher said, "You don't have to love him, just like him—but it has to be real. "I've had to realize that letting kids get away with things they know are wrong is not kind," McCombs explained. McCombs has found a classroom management approach that works for her—and she was willing to share her experiences for the benefit of others. Countdown to Behavior Nancy Landis, a fourth-grade teacher at Oskaloosa (Kansas) Elementary School, has found a technique for quieting rambunctious kids that works well for her. 5 Steps to Using Classroom Reward Systems in a Meaningful Way. Encouraging intrinsic motivation, resilience, and independence.

5 Steps to Using Classroom Reward Systems in a Meaningful Way

These are a few of the golden markers of teacher “success” that we so often hold ourselves up against. They form yet another set of skills we need to help develop in our students, along with literacy and numeracy skills, inquiry and critical thinking skills, social skills, creativity and so on and so forth. Whoa! Teaching small humans really is everything! But, there’s no need to stress… Rather than trying to fit explicit teaching of motivation and resilience into an already crowded curriculum, you can make the practice of these life-long skills an innate part of the day-to-day processes, activities and overall ‘vibe’ of your classroom.

Top Proven Classroom Management Tips - Elementary Education Degree. Teaching is tough job, no doubt about it.

Top Proven Classroom Management Tips - Elementary Education Degree

And working with young children can be a little overwhelming at times, especially when class sizes are large. But many seasoned educators have a sixth sense when it comes to classroom management—what works and what doesn’t—and thankfully, many of their strategies are available on the web and in print to help other teachers achieve the same success.

So check out our list of proven tips to help you manage your classroom more efficiently and effectively. Tip #1: Establish classroom rules immediately and enforce them consistently. Establish rules on the first day of class, and always follow through on the specified rewards for achievement and consequences for misbehavior. Tip #2: Set logical rules and consequences. Keep the goal of learning in mind and make sure students know why the rules are what they are: “We walk instead of running in the hallway because we want to make sure that everyone is safe.” Not all students learn at the same pace. [tsl]