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Frosty Paws Dog Treats | Renee Chase. Looking for an easy and CHEAP way to keep your dogs cool this summer. Try homemade “Frosty Paws” style treats. You only need 4 ingredients and dogs love them! If your dog can not have dairy there are many variations using chicken broth. Here is a quick and easy recipe your dogs will enjoy! The Basic Frosty Paws Recipe 32 oz. plain yogurt 1 mashed ripe banana 2 tablespoons peanut butter 2 tablespoons honey Mix all of the ingredients with a blender or mixer and freeze in ice cube trays. Cutest Paw Gives You the Cutest Animal Pictures Around the World. An orphan baby raccoon. Rattie World O' Comfort - beds, tubes, hammocks and other accessories for pet rats and other animals.

It’s okay puppy, it’s the thought that counts! 01 Rats Make Good Pets, Not Just Science Projects.