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Sugar Man en streaming. Indian Palace de John Madden. 100 Free Classic Films Everyone Should See | Associate Degree - Facts and Information. January 28th, 2010 By Pamelia Brown While summer blockbusters and new movies can be great, older movies have a lot to offer as well and can show you a wealth of artistry, inspiration for later films and great storytelling. These 100 films are worth a watch and won’t even require a trip to rent or borrow, and can help break up those study sessions for your college courses. Action and Adventure These films will take you exotic locales as characters engage in battles, conflicts and more. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: Check out the 1916 adaptation of this classic novel for some adventure beneath the seas.Hercules: This film was a hit when it came out in 1958 and follows the story of Jason and the Golden Fleece.Long John Silver: This movie picks up with the adventures of Long John Silver after the events of Treasure Island.

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